
Spring Boot + Apache Camel simple application

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot + Apache Camel

This is a series of examples to show you how Apache Camel works.

Libraries and Tools

How it works

  • Start SpringBootApacheCamelApplication: It will initiates a H2 database with a tbl_user table filled with four mock users. There is a column status which is assigned NEW for all the mock data.

  • Go to http://localhost:8080/throw: It will starts a camel route which tries to change the first two users' status to IN-C and the second two users' status to IN-D. In the middle of this process, we throw an IllegalArgumentException and we expect that camel rollbacks the transactions and all the records remains unchanged to NEW.

  • Go to http://localhost:8080/log to log the users on the console and verify the rollback mechanism.

  • These is a lot of other test which have been provided as main classes. You can start them simply as java applications. For example CamelInMemorySagaExample is a sample that shows how Saga EIP works.