
This code implements the solutions described in "Revisiting FunnyBirds evaluation framework for prototypical parts networks" by Szymon Opłatek, Dawid Rymarczyk and Bartosz Zieliński

Primary LanguagePython


This code implements the solutions described in "Revisiting FunnyBirds evaluation framework for prototypical parts networks" by Szymon Opłatek, Dawid Rymarczyk and Bartosz Zieliński.


The suggested folder structure is:

├── FunnyBirds/
│   └── ...                                      # Unchanged FunnyBirds dataset 
├── FunnyBirdsFramework/
│   ├── explainers/
│   │   └── explainer_wrapper.py                 # Modified
│   ├── models/
│   │   ├── model_wrapper.py                     # Modified
│   │   ├── ppnet.py                             # Modified
│   │   └── ...                                  # All of the remaining FunnyBirdsFramework/models files
│   ├── evaluate_explainability.py               # Modified
│   └── ...                                      # All of the remaining FunnyBirdsFramework files
├── ProtoPNet/
│   ├── main_funnybirds_multitarget.py           # Appended
│   ├── push_funnybirds_multitarget.py           # Appended
│   ├── settings_funnybirds_multitarget.py       # Appended
│   ├── train_and_test_funnybirds_multitarget.py # Appended
│   └── ...                                      # All of the remaining ProtoPNet files
└── model_selection.toml

The script below, executed from this repos' direcotry, will set up the suggested folder structure (+ external resources) within a desired location:


wget -P $project_dir download.visinf.tu-darmstadt.de/data/funnybirds/FunnyBirds.zip
unzip FunnyBirds.zip
rm FunnyBirds.zip

git clone https://github.com/visinf/funnybirds-framework.git $project_dir
cp -f ./FunnyBirdsFramework/evaluate_explainability.py $project_dir/FunnyBirdsFramework/evaluate_explainability.py
cp -f ./FunnyBirdsFramework/models/model_wrapper.py $project_dir/FunnyBirdsFramework/models/model_wrapper.py
cp -f ./FunnyBirdsFramework/models/ppnet.py $project_dir/FunnyBirdsFramework/models/ppnet.py
cp -f ./FunnyBirdsFramework/explainers/explainer_wrapper.py $project_dir/FunnyBirdsFramework/explainers/explainer_wrapper.py

git clone https://github.com/cfchen-duke/ProtoPNet.git $project_dir
cp ./ProtoPNet/main_funnybirds_multitarget.py $project_dir/ProtoPNet/main_funnybirds_multitarget.py
cp ./ProtoPNet/push_funnybirds_multitarget.py $project_dir/ProtoPNet/push_funnybirds_multitarget.py
cp ./ProtoPNet/settings_funnybirds_multitarget.py $project_dir/ProtoPNet/settings_funnybirds_multitarget.py
cp ./ProtoPNet/train_and_test_funnybirds_multitarget.py $project_dir/ProtoPNet/train_and_test_funnybirds_multitarget.py

cp ./model_selection.toml $project_dir/model_selection.toml


Firstly, make sure you filled out the model_selection.toml file that got copied into your project directory.

To train the ProtoPNet, you have to run the main_funnybirds_multitarget.py the same way as specified in (ProtoPNet's repo)[https://github.com/cfchen-duke/ProtoPNet].

To run the evaluation, run the command below (don't forget to properly fill paths section of .toml config file with your model's paths). Explainer available names are SSMExplainer and SSMAttriblikePExplainer. You should specify the number of gpu to be used.

python your_desired_dir/FunnyBirdsFramework/evaluate_explainability.py --data "your_desired_dir/FunnyBirds/" --model ppnet --explainer ... --accuracy --controlled_synthetic_data_check --target_sensitivity --single_deletion --preservation_check --deletion_check --distractibility --background_independence --gpu ... --batch_size 100

Results will be get outputted directly to your CLI.## Analys