
Pipeline to download, process and analyze TCGA bladder cancer ATAC-seq data on HPC environment

Primary LanguageShell


Workflow to download, process and analyze TCGA bladder cancer ATAC-seq data on HPC environment

Data Download

GDC-client installation:

# GDC-client installation
virtualenv gdc_client
 source gdc_client/bin/activate
 pip install cryptography==2.8 --no-index
 pip install -r gdc-client-1.6.0/requirements.txt
 python gdc-client-1.6.0/setup.py install

Need to have the manifest file and token key from GCD

# Shell commands were submitted to HPC using sbatch command from Slurm job manager. 
# The script is in the script folder
sbatch dl.sh
Convert bam files to fastq
# The script is in the script folder
sbatch bam2fstq.sh
Quality check

Points to consider [Genome Biology volume 21, Article number: 22 (2020)]:

  • An overall high base quality score with a slight drop towards the 3′ end of sequencing reads is acceptable.
  • No obvious deviation from expected GC content and sequence read length should be observed.
  • The metrics should be homogeneous among all samples from the same experimental batch and sequencing run.
#The script is in the script folder
sbatch fastqc.sh
Adaptor removal with NGmerge

Details on NGmerge can be find at GitHub

To install the tool:

git clone https://github.com/jsh58/NGmerge
cd NGmerge

Running NGmerge

#The script is in the script folder
sbatch NGmerge.sh 
Read alignment

Points to consider [Genome Biology volume 21, Article number: 22 (2020)]:

  • A unique mapping rate over 80% is typical for a successful ATAC-seq experiment.
  • A minimum number of mapped reads of 50 million for open chromatin detection and differential analysis,
  • A minimum number of mapped reads of 200 million for TF footprinting

For alignment I used bowtie2 coupled with samtools to convert the aligner output to bam file directly.

#The script is in the script folder
sbatch alignmnet.sh

To check the bam files and see if any is truncated

module load samtools
samtools quickcheck -v *.bam > bad_bams.fofn   && echo 'all ok' || echo 'some files failed check, see bad_bams.fofn'
Peak calling

For people working with ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data, peak calling is a big deal. It is coupled with the post alignment processing and also got its own arguments that need to be adjusted for each purpose. I choose to stick to the Genrich tool for a number of reasons that stated elsewhere, but briefly:It is capable of removing mitochondrial reads and PCR duplicates at once, handling multi mapping reads effectively, peak-calling on all replicates at once and providing ATAC-seq specific mode for analysis.

# to install Genrich
git clone https://github.com/jsh58/Genrich
cd Genrich

Then running on all bam files at once using the recommended setting:

# the script is in the script folder
sbatch Genrich_peakCalling.sh

The final result, here blca is a narrowpeak file providing data on ATAC peaks.

Peak calls assessment

The number of peaks in the file:

wc -l blca
#201458 blca

To calculate the average peak length:

awk '{peak_length = $3 - $2; sum += peak_length; count++} END {average = sum / count; print "Average Peak Length:", average}' blca
#Average Peak Length: 1146.42

The average length of peaks can be used to merge adjacent peaks:

# -c columns to retain their information in the merged output
bedtools merge -d 1000 -c 4,5,7,8,10 -o distinct -i blca > blca_merged_peaks.bed

Merging peaks decreased the number of peaks in the file to 132,027 in blca_merged_peaks.bed.

Genomic region overlap analysis

To see if the expressed TEs are enriched in or adjacent to ATAC-seq peaks. I looked at the TEs considering their loci: