A pipeline to run REdiscoverTE tool on paired-end fastq data to obtain expression matrix for genes and TEs (transposon elements) simultaneously.
A detailed instruction on the software can be find here, Also, following this tutorial you will be able to install and run the software.
REdiscoverTE is written in R and to run the software two programs must already be installed: R
and salmon
(https://www.r-project.org/). Tested version is 3.4.3. -
. Tested version is 0.8.2, available at the developers’ github page: https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/salmon/releases/tag/v0.8.2 .
Required RAM and disk space
- 89 gigabytes of disk space is required for the Salmon index.
- At least 30 GB of RAM is recommended for Salmon. Salmon requires a substantial amount of RAM with the included 5-million-entry FASTA reference.
This thread is all about running REdiscoverTE on paired-end bulk RNA-seq files coming from human sources (patients or cell-lines). The pipeline assumed that: The fastq files for each sample are in a directory called sample_name
and are named as sample_name_R1.fq.gz
and sample_name_R2.fq.gz
├── project
│ └── sample_name
│ ├── sample_name_R1.fq.gz
│ └── sample_name_R2.fq.gz
wget http://research-pub.gene.com/REdiscoverTEpaper/software/REdiscoverTE_1.0.1.tar.gz
tar -xf REdiscoverTE_1.0.1.tar.gz
There is a Makefile
in the RediscoverTE
, and it is needed by the pipeline to be renamed to Makefile_backup
# change directory to REdiscoverTE
mv Makefile Makefile_backup
(based on the REdiscoverTE authors)
Index generation: 90 minutes on a 2017 16-core 2.6 GHz Xeon processor. [This step would be needed only the very first time that you run the software]
Salmon alignment: ~30-90 minutes. ~30 minutes for a 64 million sequence 50bp SE input FASTQ file on the same Xeon CPU as above.
Rollup: ~5 minutes per quant.sf file. (There will be one quant.sf file for each input sample: for single-end reads, there will be a 1:1 correspondence between .fastq and quant.sf files).
A shell script to run the following code chunck can be find in the repo by the name REdiscoverTE_run.sh
. This can be run on any HPC with Slurm Workload Manager such as ComputeCanada. You need to add your email address to the line 10 and specify absolute path to the project and REdiscoverTE directories on line 20 and 21, respectively.
# define directories
# loop
for dir in $PROJECT/*; do
echo $dir
# make a directory to store the result
mkdir -p $dir/result
SAMPLE_NAME=$(basename $dir)
#echo $(basename $dir)
echo $R_1
echo $R_2
# copying Makefile_backup to Makefile
cp "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile_backup "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile
# editting makefile
sed -i "s|FASTQ_READS_1=SIMULATED_FASTQS/input_R1.fq.gz|FASTQ_READS_1=$R_1|g" "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile
sed -i "s|FASTQ_READS_2=SIMULATED_FASTQS/input_R2.fq.gz|FASTQ_READS_2=$R_2|g" "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile
sed -i "s|SALMON_COUNTS_DIR=Step_2_salmon_counts|SALMON_COUNTS_DIR=$dir/result|g" "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile
sed -i "s|ROLLUP_RESULTS_DIR=Step_4_rollup|ROLLUP_RESULTS_DIR=$dir/result|g" "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile
cd $RE_discoverTE_PATH
make all
mv "${RE_discoverTE_PATH}"/Makefile $dir/result
After running the REdiscoverTE tool , a directory called "result" would be generated in each sample directory. In the result directory , should be 15 different RDS
file which are needed for downstream analysis. There files are :
GENE: Transcript-level expression values:
- GENE_1_raw_counts.RDS: raw counts DGEList data object.
- GENE_2_counts_normalized.RDS: normalized counts (by total gene counts) DGEList data object.
- GENE_3_TPM.RDS: TPM (transcripts per million) for each gene/transcript. DGEList data object.
RE all: Repetitive elements found anywhere in the genome. Granularity for all RE reporting is at repName level (where the three levels we use are name, family, and class, in increasing order of generality).
- RE_all_1_raw_counts.RDS: raw counts DGEList data object.
- RE_all_2_counts_normalized.RDS: note that counts are normalized by total gene counts
- RE_all_3_TPM.RDS: TPM (transcripts per million) for each repetitive element ‘repName’. DGEList data object.
RE exon: Subset of RE all: only repetitive elements found at least partially within an annotated exon.
- RE_exon_1_raw_counts.RDS: raw counts DGEList data object.
- RE_exon_2_counts_normalized.RDS: counts are normalized by total gene counts
- RE_exon_3_TPM.RDS: TPM (transcripts per million) for each repetitive element ‘repName’. DGEList data object.
RE intron: Subset of RE all: only repetitive elements that do not have any overlap with an exon, and have some overlap with an intron.
- RE_intron_1_raw_counts.RDS: raw counts DGEList data object.
- RE_intron_2_counts_normalized.RDS:counts are normalized by total gene counts
- RE_intron_3_TPM.RDS: TPM (transcripts per million) for each repetitive element ‘repName’. DGEList data object.
RE intergenic: Subset of RE all: only repetitive elements that have no overlap with annotated introns or exons.
- RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts.RDS: raw counts DGEList data object.
- RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized.RDS: counts are normalized by total gene counts
- RE_intergenic_3_TPM.RDS: TPM (transcripts per million) for each repetitive element ‘repName’. DGEList data object.
So the next step is to merge sample level RDS
files to generate a project level RDS
per file (15 project level files). The following R script will do this job; it goes into each directory , read a file then merge all files from all samples into one file. These files are considred as input for downstream analysis.
A copy of the following script can be found in the repository.
# Checking for packages and install
# For CRAN
list.of.packages <- c("BiocManager")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')
# For Bioconductor package
list.of.packages <- c("edgeR")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) BiocManager::install(new.packages)
# defining fixed variables
prj_dir_path <- list.dirs(full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
sample_names <- list.dirs(full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
prj_path <- getwd()
#_______________________Interested files___________________________#
# [1] "GENE_1_raw_counts.RDS"
# [2] "GENE_2_counts_normalized.RDS"
# [3] "GENE_3_TPM.RDS"
# [4] "RE_all_1_raw_counts.RDS"
# [5] "RE_all_2_counts_normalized.RDS"
# [6] "RE_all_3_TPM.RDS"
# [7] "RE_exon_1_raw_counts.RDS"
# [8] "RE_exon_2_counts_normalized.RDS"
# [9] "RE_exon_3_TPM.RDS"
# [10] "RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts.RDS"
# [11] "RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized.RDS"
# [12] "RE_intergenic_3_TPM.RDS"
# [13] "RE_intron_1_raw_counts.RDS"
# [14] "RE_intron_2_counts_normalized.RDS"
# [15] "RE_intron_3_TPM.RDS"
#____________________merging data per files________________________#
## item 1
GENE_1_raw_counts <- c(1:57374)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/GENE_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
GENE_1_raw_counts <- cbind(GENE_1_raw_counts, df)
GENE_1_raw_counts <- GENE_1_raw_counts[,-1]
colnames(GENE_1_raw_counts) <- sample_names
saveRDS(GENE_1_raw_counts, file =paste0(prj_path, "/GENE_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
## item 2
GENE_2_counts_normalized <- c(1:57374)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/GENE_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
GENE_2_counts_normalized <- cbind(GENE_2_counts_normalized, df)
GENE_2_counts_normalized <- GENE_2_counts_normalized[,-1]
colnames(GENE_2_counts_normalized) <- sample_names
saveRDS(GENE_2_counts_normalized, file =paste0(prj_path, "/GENE_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
## item 3
GENE_3_TPM <- c(1:57374)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/GENE_3_TPM.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
GENE_3_TPM <- cbind(GENE_3_TPM, df)
GENE_3_TPM <- GENE_3_TPM[,-1]
colnames(GENE_3_TPM) <- sample_names
saveRDS(GENE_3_TPM, file =paste0(prj_path, "/GENE_3_TPM.RDS"))
## item 4
RE_all_1_raw_counts <- c(1:15422)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_all_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_all_1_raw_counts <- cbind(RE_all_1_raw_counts, df)
RE_all_1_raw_counts <- RE_all_1_raw_counts[,-1]
colnames(RE_all_1_raw_counts) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_all_1_raw_counts, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_all_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
## item 5
RE_all_2_counts_normalized <- c(1:15422)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_all_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_all_2_counts_normalized <- cbind(RE_all_2_counts_normalized, df)
RE_all_2_counts_normalized <- RE_all_2_counts_normalized[,-1]
colnames(RE_all_2_counts_normalized) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_all_2_counts_normalized, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_all_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
## item 6
RE_all_3_TPM<- c(1:15422)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_all_3_TPM.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_all_3_TPM <- cbind(RE_all_3_TPM, df)
RE_all_3_TPM <- RE_all_3_TPM[,-1]
colnames(RE_all_3_TPM) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_all_3_TPM, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_all_3_TPM.RDS"))
## item 7
RE_exon_1_raw_counts <- c(1:4579)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_exon_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_exon_1_raw_counts <- cbind(RE_exon_1_raw_counts, df)
RE_exon_1_raw_counts <- RE_exon_1_raw_counts[,-1]
colnames(RE_exon_1_raw_counts) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_exon_1_raw_counts, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_exon_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
## item 8
RE_exon_2_counts_normalized <- c(1:4579)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_exon_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_exon_2_counts_normalized <- cbind(RE_exon_2_counts_normalized, df)
RE_exon_2_counts_normalized <- RE_exon_2_counts_normalized[,-1]
colnames(RE_exon_2_counts_normalized) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_exon_2_counts_normalized, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_exon_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
## item 9
RE_exon_3_TPM <- c(1:4579)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_exon_3_TPM.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_exon_3_TPM <- cbind(RE_exon_3_TPM, df)
RE_exon_3_TPM <- RE_exon_3_TPM[,-1]
colnames(RE_exon_3_TPM) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_exon_3_TPM, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_exon_3_TPM.RDS"))
## item 10
RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts <- c(1:10670)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts <- cbind(RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts, df)
RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts <- RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts[,-1]
colnames(RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intergenic_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
## item 11
RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized <- c(1:10670)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized <- cbind(RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized, df)
RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized <- RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized[,-1]
colnames(RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intergenic_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
# item 12
RE_intergenic_3_TPM <- c(1:10670)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intergenic_3_TPM.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intergenic_3_TPM <- cbind(RE_intergenic_3_TPM, df)
RE_intergenic_3_TPM <- RE_intergenic_3_TPM[,-1]
colnames(RE_intergenic_3_TPM) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intergenic_3_TPM, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intergenic_3_TPM.RDS"))
# item 13
RE_intron_1_raw_counts <- c(1:11415)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intron_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intron_1_raw_counts <- cbind(RE_intron_1_raw_counts, df)
RE_intron_1_raw_counts <- RE_intron_1_raw_counts[,-1]
colnames(RE_intron_1_raw_counts) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intron_1_raw_counts, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intron_1_raw_counts.RDS"))
# item 14
RE_intron_2_counts_normalized <- c(1:11415)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intron_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intron_2_counts_normalized <- cbind(RE_intron_2_counts_normalized, df)
RE_intron_2_counts_normalized <- RE_intron_2_counts_normalized[,-1]
colnames(RE_intron_2_counts_normalized) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intron_2_counts_normalized, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intron_2_counts_normalized.RDS"))
# item 15
RE_intron_3_TPM <- c(1:11415)
for(d in 1:length(prj_dir_path)){
print(paste0(d, "_", sample_names[d]))
df <- readRDS(paste0(prj_dir_path[d],"/result/RE_intron_3_TPM.RDS"))
df <- df$counts
RE_intron_3_TPM <- cbind(RE_intron_3_TPM, df)
RE_intron_3_TPM <- RE_intron_3_TPM[,-1]
colnames(RE_intron_3_TPM) <- sample_names
saveRDS(RE_intron_3_TPM, file =paste0(prj_path, "/RE_intron_3_TPM.RDS"))