
ansible-playbook for install NFS server and NFS client

ansible-playbook for install NFS server and client

This is a ansible-playbook for clean install NFS in both sides server and client without internet access. Also configure mount point and set it in /etc/fstab. Please note that, this playbook written for CentOS7.

Install NFS Server

Firstly, you should modifiy follow changes in roles/NFS/vars/main.yml:

ansible_workspace: <path> 		# define ansible workspace

NFS_SERVER: true 	 		# for install NFS server

share_directory_path_server: <path> 	# define a directory on NFS server

share_directory_path_client: <path>	# define a directoy on NFS client (define it when you want install NFS client)

exports_mount_IP: "y.y.y.y" 		# or NFS_CLIENT_IP

NFS_SERVER_IP: "x.x.x.x"		# define NFS server IP

Ultimately, run ansible-playbook for install NFS Server:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hostsfile NFS.yml

Install NFS Client

According to the previous description regarding install NFS server, now if you want install NFS client please set false for NFS_SERVER in roles/NFS/vars/main.yml and run previous command again:


NFS_SERVER: false                        # for install NFS client
