
Notes on Careers in IT, developed as part of a Melbourne Developer Meetup brainstorming session.

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Melbourne Developer Meetup: How to Career

If You're Employed

Have a Plan

  • Identify your long term objectives. Where do you see yourself in a year? In 5 years? In 20 years? When you're 80 and looking back at your life, what have you achieved that makes you satisfied?
  • Set milestones and think about how you can reach them.
  • Be willing to get out of your comfort zone.
  • Do a retrospective on your career path every once in while. Ask yourself:
    • What should you start doing?
    • What should you stop doing?
    • What should you keep doing?

Build Your Personal Brand

  • Build your network; Offline as well as online:
  • Position yourself within the right group of people. "We are who we hang out with."
  • The IT industry in Australia is a small world. Treat everyone well; People you work with now, your acquaintances, recruiters, etc.
  • Be mindful of what you post on social media.

Become More Skilled

If You're in the Market

Let Your Network Know

Embrace Change

  • Are you too busy to nudge your career path in the right direction?
  • Stick to your values.
  • Be opportunistic, turn bad events into opportunities.

Apply, Interview, Rinse, Repeat

  • Send as many as resumes as possible for jobs that matter to you; Even the ones that might seem out of reach. You'll never know!
  • Study the companies you are applying for.
    • What is their vision?
    • What are their values and do they stick to them?
    • What's their culture like?
    • etc.
  • Personalise each CV and Cover Letter you send to companies.
  • Keep a copy of every single application you submit for future reference.
  • Practice interviewing. Then practice more, and then even more.
  • Dress for success, not only for interviews, but also your day-to-day job.
  • When interviewing, be confident, be yourself, and do not BS.
  • Find out who is going to interview you and what their professional background is.
  • Always negotiate your salary. It'll turn into one of your most profitable sentences you'll ever say in your life.
  • Be courageous enough to turn down an offer if you're not entirely satisfied with the type of work and the culture.
  • For more interview and job seeking tips consult the internet but use your own judgement.

If You're an Employer

Do Care

  • Help your employees with their career development.
  • For many professionals, money is not the main factor in choosing a job.
  • Give back and support the community.

Copyright © 2015 - Authored by Hamid Nazari and Melbourne Developer Meetup members.