
The links and descriptions about famous image datasets for deep learning

Image Datasets for Deep Learning

Welcome to our collection of information on various image datasets widely used in the field of deep learning! This README provides an overview of several key datasets, including Face Dataset, COCO, Flickr, ImageNet, and more. These datasets are invaluable resources for training and benchmarking deep learning models in tasks such as object detection, image classification, segmentation, and face recognition.

Table of Contents

Face Dataset

Face datasets are crucial for developing and testing deep learning models focused on face recognition, facial expression analysis, and biometric identification.

Popular Face Datasets

  • LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild): A public benchmark for face verification, containing more than 13,000 images of faces collected from the web.

  • CASIA WebFace: Designed for face recognition research, it contains over 10,000 subjects and half a million images.

COCO (Common Objects in Context)

The COCO dataset is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. COCO has several features:

  • Object segmentation
  • Recognition in context
  • Superpixel stuff segmentation
  • 330K images (>200K labeled)
  • 1.5 million object instances
  • 80 object categories

COCO Dataset Official Website


Flickr image datasets are compiled from the Flickr website, encompassing a wide range of images uploaded by users. These datasets are often used for image classification, object detection, and more.

Notable Flickr Datasets

  • Flickr 8k/Flickr 30k: These datasets contain 8,000 and 30,000 images, respectively, annotated with descriptions for natural language processing and image recognition tasks.


ImageNet is one of the most influential image datasets in the field of deep learning. It's widely used for image classification and object recognition research, containing over 14 million images categorized into over 20,000 classes.


The LAION-5B dataset is indeed a dataset, and it represents a significant resource in the field of machine learning, particularly for tasks related to image and text understanding, generation, and other AI-driven applications. LAION stands for "Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network," and the "5B" denotes the scale of the dataset, which contains approximately 5 billion image-text pairs. This massive dataset is designed to facilitate research and development in machine learning models, especially those focusing on generative tasks like text-to-image generation.

PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC)

The PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset is a key resource for object detection, image classification, and segmentation in computer vision. Developed under the PASCAL EU Network of Excellence, it features richly annotated real-world images across multiple object categories, such as animals, vehicles, and household items. The dataset supports various challenges and has been pivotal for benchmarking the performance of computer vision models. Despite newer datasets like ImageNet and COCO, PASCAL VOC's detailed annotations and diverse conditions continue to make it valuable for research and algorithm development.

FGVC-Aircraft Dataset

The FGVC-Aircraft dataset is designed for the fine-grained visual categorization of aircraft, focusing on identifying specific models and types from images. It includes a diverse range of aircraft images annotated with detailed labels, making it challenging due to the subtle differences between categories. This dataset is used for developing and benchmarking algorithms capable of recognizing fine visual details, with applications in areas such as air traffic management, defense, and aviation education.

Flower-102 Dataset

The Flower102 (Oxford 102 Flowers) dataset is a benchmark for fine-grained visual categorization, consisting of 8,189 images across 102 flower species common in the UK. It's used for developing and evaluating image classification algorithms, with applications in agriculture, botany, and commercial plant identification apps. The dataset poses a challenge due to the subtle differences between species and significant variation within classes.

Food-101 Dataset

The Food-101 dataset features 101,000 images across 101 food categories, designed for fine-grained image classification tasks in the culinary domain. It presents a challenge due to its large scale, diversity of dishes, and the high variability within and similarity across categories. This dataset supports applications in recipe recommendation, nutritional analysis, and culinary education by facilitating the development of advanced food recognition algorithms.

Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset

The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset is a collection of 7,349 images across 37 dog and cat breeds, designed for fine-grained breed classification. It includes breeds like "Abyssinian," "American Bulldog," and "American Pit Bull Terrier," with about 200 images per breed. The dataset challenges include variations in pose, lighting, and intra-breed diversity, making it a valuable resource for developing advanced computer vision algorithms for tasks such as semantic segmentation, object detection, and breed classification.


The PASCAL VOC dataset is a benchmark in computer vision for tasks like object detection, classification, and segmentation. It was part of an annual competition from 2005 to 2012, aimed at advancing the development of algorithms for recognizing objects in images. The dataset features diverse object categories across a range of everyday scenes, annotated with class labels, bounding boxes, and segmentation masks. The PASCAL VOC dataset, particularly its 2012 version, one of the most referenced editions, contains over 11,000 images spanning 20 object categories. These categories include animals (e.g., birds, cats, dogs), vehicles (e.g., cars, bikes), household items (e.g., bottle, chair), and people, among others. The dataset provides annotations for various tasks such as classification, object detection, and segmentation, making it a comprehensive resource for evaluating computer vision models across multiple challenges

Additional Resources

For those interested in exploring more datasets or diving deeper into specific types of deep learning tasks, consider visiting the following resources:

We hope this collection helps you find the perfect dataset for your deep learning projects. Happy modeling!