sourse :

Monokai Pro

A Neovim theme written in Lua ported from the Visual Studio Code Monokai Pro theme.














  • supports the latest Neovim 5.0 features like TreeSitter and LSP
  • minimal inactive statusline
  • vim terminal colors
  • darker background for sidebar-like windows
  • lualine theme

Plugin Support


  • Neovim >= 0.5.0


Install the theme with your preferred package manager:


Plug ''


use ''

NOTE: Currently installing a plugin from Gitlab on Windows with Packer is broken ((#858)[wbthomason/packer.nvim#858])

UPDATE: Use alias as workaround for the Packer install issue

use {
  as = 'monokai-pro.nvim'

credit: wbthomason/packer.nvim#858 (comment)


Enable the colorscheme:

" Vim Script
colorscheme monokaipro
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme monokaipro]]

To enable the monokaipro theme for Lualine, simply specify it in your lualine settings:

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    -- ... your lualine config
    theme = 'monokaipro'
    -- ... your lualine config

To enable the monokaipro colorscheme for Lightline:

" Vim Script
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'monokaipro'}


❗️ configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with colorscheme monokaipro

The theme comes with several filters:

  • default the default Monokai Pro look
  • machine a variant with a bluish background
  • ristretto a variant with a red/brown background
  • octogon a variant with a purple/indigo background
  • spectrum a variant with a flat gray background
  • classic a variant based on original Monokai colors
Option Default Description
monokaipro_filter "default" The theme comes with six filters, default, machine, ristretto, octogon spectrum, and classic
monokaipro_terminal_colors true Configure the colors used when opening a :terminal in Neovim
monokaipro_italic_comments true Make comments italic
monokaipro_italic_keywords true Make keywords italic
monokaipro_italic_functions false Make functions italic
monokaipro_italic_variables false Make variables and identifiers italic
monokaipro_transparent false Enable this to disable setting the background color
monokaipro_hide_inactive_statusline false Enabling this option, will hide inactive statuslines and replace them with a thin border instead. Should work with the standard StatusLine and LuaLine.
monokaipro_sidebars {} Set a darker background on sidebar-like windows. For example: ["vista_kind", "packer"]
monokaipro_flat_sidebar false When true sidebar like windows will use the normal background
monokaipro_flat_float false When true float and diagnostic like windows will use the normal background
monokaipro_flat_term false When true the integrated terminal will use the normal background
monokaipro_colors {} You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color
-- Example config in Lua
vim.g.monokaipro_filter = "machine"
vim.g.monokaipro_italic_functions = true
vim.g.monokaipro_sidebars = { "vista_kind", "packer" }
vim.g.monokaipro_flat_term = true

-- Change the "hint" color to the "orange" color, and make the "error" color bright red
vim.g.monokaipro_colors = { hint = "orange", error = "#ff0000" }

-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd[[colorscheme monokaipro]]
" Example config in VimScript
let g:monokaipro_filter = "machine"
let g:monokaipro_italic_functions = 1
vim.g.monokaipro_flat_term = 1
let g:monokaipro_sidebars = [ "vista_kind", "packer" ]

" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme monokaipro


  • Toggle the style live without the need to exit NeoVim

Just call the function for style switching

:lua require('monokaipro.functions').toggle_style()
"This command toggles the style

The command can also be mapped to a key for fast style switching

nnoremap <C-m> :lua require('monokaipro.functions').toggle_style()<CR>
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<C-m>', [[<Cmd>lua require('monokaipro.functions').toggle_style()<CR>]], { noremap = true, silent = true })
  • Change the style to a desired one using the function change_filter("desired style")
:lua require('monokaipro.functions').change_filter("ristretto")
"This command changes the style to palenight

The command can also be mapped to a key for fast style switching

nnoremap <C-9> :lua require('monokaipro.functions').change_filter('default')<CR>
nnoremap <C-0> :lua require('monokaipro.functions').change_filter('classic')<CR>
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<C-9>', [[<Cmd>lua require('monokaipro.functions').change_filter('default')<CR>]], { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<C-0>', [[<Cmd>lua require('monokaipro.functions').change_filter('classic')<CR>]], { noremap = true, silent = true })

Also check out

  • Sonokai by Sainnhe: a theme inspired by Monokai Pro but with lower contrast


All pull requests are welcome.


Most of the credit for this theme should go to folke and marko-cerovac for the Tokyonight and material themes respectively. I did a lot of yanking and pasting! :)