

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

This is an unofficial Ruby wrapper for the Binance exchange REST and WebSocket APIs.


We are now at 1.0 and there are breaking changes, mainly with some method names and the casing of keys. Be sure to check out the code while I work on better documentation.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'binance'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install binance



  • Basic implementation of REST API
    • Easy to use authentication
    • Methods return parsed JSON
    • No need to generate timestamps
    • No need to generate signatures
  • Basic implementation of WebSocket API
    • Pass procs or lambdas to event handlers
    • Single and multiple streams supported
    • Runs on EventMachine


  • Exception handling with responses
  • High level abstraction

Getting Started

REST Client

Require Binance:

require 'binance'

Create a new instance of the REST Client:

# If you only plan on touching public API endpoints, you can forgo any arguments
client = Binance::Client::REST.new
# Otherwise provide an api_key and secret_key as keyword arguments
client = Binance::Client::REST.new api_key: 'x', secret_key: 'y'

Create various requests:

# Ping the server
client.ping # => {}

# Get kline data
client.klines symbol: 'NEOETH', interval: '1m', limit: 1
# => [[1511682480000, "0.08230000", "0.08230000", "0.08230000", "0.08230000", "0.00000000", 
# 1511682539999, "0.00000000", 0, "0.00000000", "0.00000000", "2885926.46000000"]]

# Create an order
client.create_order! symbol: 'XRPETH', side: 'BUY', type: 'LIMIT', 
  time_in_force: 'GTC', quantity: '100.00000000', price: '0.00055000'
# => {"symbol"=>"XRPETH", "orderId"=>918248, "clientOrderId"=>"kmUU0i6cMWzq1NElE6ZTdu", 
# "transactTime"=>1511685028420, "price"=>"0.00055000", "origQty"=>"100.00000000", 
# "executedQty"=>"100.00000000", "status"=>"FILLED", "timeInForce"=>"GTC", "type"=>"LIMIT", 
# "side"=>"BUY"}

# Get deposit address
client.deposit_address asset: 'NEO'
# => {"address"=>"AHXeTWYv8qZQhQ2WNrBza9LHyzdZtFnbaT", "success"=>true, "addressTag"=>"", "asset"=>"NEO"}

Required and optional parameters, as well as enum values, can currently be found on the Binance GitHub Page. Parameters should always be passed to client methods as keyword arguments in snake_case form.

WebSocket Client

Require Binance and EventMachine:

require 'binance'
require 'eventmachine'

Create a new instance of the WebSocket Client:

client = Binance::Client::WebSocket.new

Create various WebSocket streams, wrapping calls inside EM.run:

EM.run do
  # Create event handlers
  open    = proc { puts 'connected' }
  message = proc { |e| puts e.data }
  error   = proc { |e| puts e }
  close   = proc { puts 'closed' }

  # Bundle our event handlers into Hash
  methods = { open: open, message: message, error: error, close: close }

  # Pass a symbol and event handler Hash to connect and process events
  client.agg_trade symbol: 'XRPETH', methods: methods
  # kline takes an additional named parameter
  client.kline symbol: 'XRPETH', interval: '1m', methods: methods

  # As well as partial_book_depth
  client.partial_book_depth symbol: 'XRPETH', level: '5', methods: methods

  # Create a custom stream
  client.single stream: { type: 'aggTrade', symbol: 'XRPETH'}, methods: methods

  # Create multiple streams in one call
  client.multi streams: [{ type: 'aggTrade', symbol: 'XRPETH' },
                         { type: 'ticker', symbol: 'XRPETH' },
                         { type: 'kline', symbol: 'XRPETH', interval: '1m'},
                         { type: 'depth', symbol: 'XRPETH', level: '5'}],
               methods: methods 

User Data Stream

User data streams utilize both the REST and WebSocket APIs.

Require Binance and EventMachine:

require 'binance'
require 'eventmachine'

Create a new instance of the REST Client and WebSocket Client:

rest  = Binance::Client::REST.new api_key: 'x'
ws    = Binance::Client::WebSocket.new

Request a listen key from the REST API, and then create a WebSocket stream using it.

listen_key = rest.listen_key['listenKey']

message = proc { |e| puts e.data }

EM.run do
  ws.user_data listen_key: listen_key, methods: {message: message}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/craysiii/binance.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.