CEP Lookup: You can enter a CEP and obtain detailed information about the corresponding address.
Address Lookup: You can search for addresses by state, city, and street name.
Listing Addresses: The project enables you to list the addresses that have been queried and stored.
JSON Storage: The results of the queries are stored in a JSON file for future reference.
Database Storage: Instead of storing addresses in a JSON file, I'm planning to integrate a database, such as SQLite or MySQL, to provide more robust address management and search capabilities.
Geolocation: I'm exploring the addition of geolocation features to display addresses on maps and calculate distances between addresses for a richer user experience.
- Clone the repository to your local environment:
git clone https://github.com/hamiltonGomes/viaCepJavaProject.git
- Compile the project:
javac -d out -cp .:libs/gson-2.10.1.jar src/main/*.java
- Run the program:
java -cp out:libs/gson-2.10.1.jar main.Main
- Follow the instructions in the console to perform ZIP code and address searches, list addresses, and store them in a JSON file.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher
- GSON library (libs/gson-2.10.1.jar)