
A collection of tech stacks for Thermondo's backend coding challenge

MIT LicenseMIT

Backend Coding Challenge

We appreciate you taking the time to participate and submit a coding challenge. In the next step we would like you to create/extend a backend REST API for a simple note-taking app. Below you will find a list of tasks and limitations required for completing the challenge. Select your tech stack from the table below and fork the repository. If you don't see you tech stack no worries, you will then need to create your repository from scratch.


  • Users can add, delete and modify their notes
  • Users can see a list of all their notes
  • Users can filter their notes via tags
  • Users must be logged in, in order to view/add/delete/etc. their notes

The notes are plain text and should contain:

  • Title
  • Body
  • Tags

Optional Features 🚀

  • Search contents of notes with keywords
  • Notes can be either public or private
    • Public notes can be viewed without authentication, however they cannot be modified
  • User management API to create new users


  • test accordingly

What if I don't finish?

Try to produce something that is at least minimally functional. Part of the exercise is to see what you prioritize first when you have a limited amount of time. For any unfinished tasks, please do add TODO comments to your code with a short explanation. You will be given an opportunity later to go into more detail and explain how you would go about finishing those tasks.


Tech Stack CI Integration Challenge
Python & Django Yes Repository →
Kotlin & Ktor Yes Repository →