
A tool for handling the update of Cardano related git repos

Primary LanguageNixApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple command line tool to help manage the stack.yaml and cabal.project files of the various Cardano git repos.

To use it, simply clone the repo, build the tool (with either stack or cabal) and copy it to somewhere on your $PATH.

The tool run without any commands or parameters will do nothing more than print a help message:

cardano-repo-tool - A tool for managing the Cardano repos.

Usage: cardano-repo-tool [-v|--version] COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -v,--version             Print the version and exit

Available commands:
  clone-repos              Clone any missing repos into the current directory.
  print-hashes             Print the git hashes for the relevant repos.
  list-repos               List the repos expected by this tool.
  repo-status              List the statuses of each repo.
  reset-changes            Reset any changes to the cabal.project and stack.yaml
  update-cabal-project     Update git hashes in cabal.project file (in the
                           current directory) from the stack.yaml file.
  update-hash              Get the latest git hashes, and update the stack.yaml
                           and cabal.project file for the specified repo.
  update-hashes            Get the latest git hashes, and update all stack.yaml
                           and cabal.project files.
  update-repo              Update a single repo ('git checkout master && git
                           pull --rebase').
  update-repos             Update all repos ('git checkout master && git pull


This tool assumes that a git checkout of all the relevant repositories exists in the current working directory (and ignores any unrelated directories).

  • A list of the relevant repos can be obtained using the command:

    cardano-repo-tool list-repos
  • Cloning a copy of any missing (or possibly all) repositories can be done using:

    cardano-repo-tool clone-repos
  • Updating (checking out the master branch and doing a git pull --rebase) the relevant repos can be done with:

    cardano-repo-tool update-repos

    This operation may fail if any of the repos currently have uncommitted changes.

  • Once all the relevant repos have been updated, the git hashes in the stack.yaml and cabal.project files can be done with the command:

    cardano-repo-tool update-hashes

    This command prints out which files have been updated. Each repo that has been updated then needs the changes to the stack.yaml and cabal.project files to be committed, the building of each project tested and a PR raised.