
Use algolia search on a docsify powered website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Docsify Algolia Search Plugin

This plugin is a modification of the full text search plugin with many of the same settings that leverages algolia search.

NOTE This plugin will not sync any documents to algolia, you will need to do that manually.


Copy the following code into your index.html file below the settings

<script src="//unpkg.com/docsify-algolia-search-plugin"></script>


This is pretty cool.

After installing parcel https://parceljs.org/getting-started/library/

you can do the following to start a server that allows you to then test your changes

npm start

Then in your docsify project you can reference it as shown

  <!-- algolia search: https://www.npmjs.com/package/docsify-algolia-search-plugin
    <script src="//unpkg.com/docsify-algolia-search-plugin"></script>
  <script src="http://localhost:1234/index.js"></script>

And build it with

npm run build

Don't know about deployment yet.


A full list of configurable options is below.

Parameter Type Description Default Required
token string Public API token -
appId string The application ID -
defaultIndex string If multiple indexes are provided, you can specify the default index to use, otherwise the first index provided will be the default The first provided index
multi boolean array Display the results from multiple indexes -
indexes string object array The indexes to be searched
currentIndex function If you need to specify the current index based on certain conditions, i.e. a slug in your url for different versions of documentation you can do it here. This function must return the name of the index. This function passes the indexMap as it's only parameter. -
    window.$docsify = {
        // complete configuration parameters
        search: {
            placeholder: 'Type to search',

            // Localization
            placeholder: {
                '/zh-cn/': '搜索',
                '/': 'Type to search'

            noData: 'No Results!',

            // Localization
            noData: {
                '/zh-cn/': '找不到结果',
                '/': 'No Results'

            hideOtherSidebarContent: false, // whether or not to hide other sidebar content

            // template overrides
            templates: {
                base: options => '',
                style: options => '',
                resultItem: (result, response, options) => '',
                resultSet: (result, response, options) => '',

            // algolia options
            algolia: {
                token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/security/api-keys/
                appId: 'XXXXXXXXXX', // Your app id,
                defaultIndex: 'v4',

                // single index
                indexes: 'v4',

                // default multi settings
                multi: true,

                // overriding section labels
                // NOTE: The key name MUST match the index names
                multi: {
                    v3: 'Version 3',
                    v4: 'Version 4',

                // single index with settings
                indexes: {
                    index: 'v4',
                    settings: {
                        // ...

                // multiple indexes
                indexes: ['v3', 'v4'],

                // multiple indexes with settings
                indexes: [{
                    index: 'v3',
                    settings: {
                        // ...
                }, {
                    index: 'v4',
                        settings: {
                        // ..

                defaultIndex: (indexMap) => {
                    const pathArray = window.location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/');
                    const index = pathArray[0] === 'v3' ? 'v3' : 'v4';

                    return index;

Overriding Templates/Styles

To override any of the rendered HTML you can provided your own render functions. There are four render functions:

  • base - renders the search box and necessary structure for the results
  • style - renders the required styles for default templates
  • resultItem - renders a single result item
  • resultSet - renders a set of results, this function uses the resultItem function

Each function is passed the following arguments:

  • base
    • defaultValue - the search query string
    • options - the configuration options object
  • style
    • options - the configuration options object
  • resultItem
    • result - the individual result object
    • response - the entire response returned from the algolia client
    • options - the configuration options object
  • resultsSet
    • results - the results array
    • response - the entire response returned from the algolia client
    • noData - The text set if no results are returned
    • options - the configuration options object

For more details custom templates, refer to the default functions.


You may clear the results programatically by calling DocsifyAlgoliaSearchPlugin.clearResults();.