Chekkit is a reddit-like clone for uploading, viewing, sharing and commenting of posts. Users can share photos, articles, blurbs, etc. Registered users can vote (up/down) on them, comment on them and become part of a Chekkit community.
- Live site: Chekkit
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- React/JS
- Redux
- Node
- Docker
- Clone this repo:
- cd into the /app directory and install dependencies: pipenv install
- cd into the /react-app directory and install dependencies: npm install
- create .env file based on the .env.example file given
- Create user in psql based on .env DATABASE_URL app_name:
psql -c "CREATE USER <username> PASSWORD '<password>' CREATEDB"
- Create a database in psql based on your .env DATABASE_URL app_db_name
- Start shell, migrate database, seed database and run flask app
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
- Open another terminal and cd into /react-app and run the React app:
npm start
- A new user can sign up for an account.
- An existing user can log in.
- A demo user can try out the site without an account.
- Registered users can create/add, view, update and delete posts.
- Unregistered users can scroll through the available posts only.
- Registered users can create, view, update and delete comments on posts.
- Registered users can create, view, update and delete communities that include posts with a specific, niche interest.
- Registered users can add, view, update votes for posts and comments.