
My description of the steps to get the Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT) working on Linux


My description of the steps to get the Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT) working on Linux

  • Download the ZIP file for your distribution's architecture. ex. "64 bit"
  • In a terminal navigate to your "Downloads" directory.
  • Extract the file using your preferred archiving tool into your PATH. ex. unzip
unzip 'Linux 64 bit.zip' /home/$USER/.local/bin
  • Navigate to the binary.
cd /home/$USER/.local/bin/Linux\ 64\ bit/Genealogical\ DNA\ Analysis\ Tool/
  • Make the binary executable.
chmod +x Genealogical\ DNA\ Analysis\ Tool/
  • Create a Softlink to easily run the executable from the terminal.
ln -s /home/$USER/.local/bin/Linux\ 64\ bit/Genealogical\ DNA\ Analysis\ Tool/Genealogical\ DNA\ Analysis\ Tool /home/$USER/.local/bin/gdat
  • Run from the terminal and detached if the link is located within $PATH.
gdat &
  • Simply changing the name of the binary will result in an error.
  • Tested on Debian 11.3 Stable requiring no additional dependencies.