
Some notes on Open Targets


Some notes on Open Targets

Searching OT P ES instance with elastic4s

Tricky because elastic4s examples are for ES 6.x, not 7.x.

In a Jupyter notebook with the Almond kernel, assuming you're running an ES instance with the OT P indices loaded and serving on localhost:9200

import $ivy.`com.sksamuel.elastic4s::elastic4s-core:7.3.4`
import $ivy.`com.sksamuel.elastic4s::elastic4s-client-esjava:7.3.4`

import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.JavaClient
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.{ElasticClient, ElasticProperties}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._

val client = ElasticClient(JavaClient(ElasticProperties("http://localhost:9200")))

// Remind myself of index names
val indexes = client.execute {

// Example search
val resp = client.execute {
  search("19.11_gene-data") query "DNASE1L3"