
Open Targets Platform input support project.

Primary LanguagePython

Open Targets: Platform-input-support overview

The aim of this application is to allow the reproducibility of OpenTarget Platform data release pipeline. The input files are copied in a specific google storage bucket.

Currently, the application executes 6 steps and finally it generates a Yaml config file that can be used to run the the OT pipeline (https://github.com/opentargets/data_pipeline)

List of available steps:

  • annotations
  • annotations from buckets
  • chemical probes
  • known target safety
  • ensembl
  • ChEMBL
  • evidences

The step 'evidences' uploads the last evidences from different providers and it generates a subset of these evidences using the file minimal_ensembl.txt

Below more details about how to execute the script.

Installation Requirements

  • Conda
  • git

Conda for MAC

Download Conda for Mac here:
[download Version 2.7 Command-Line Installer]

Conda: installation commands

bash path_where_downloaded_the_file/Anaconda2-5.3.0-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
conda update
conda update --prefix  ~/anaconda2 anaconda

Set up application (first time)

git clone https://github.com/opentargets/platform-input-support
cd platform-input-support
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate platform-input-support-py2.7
conda skeleton pypi opentargets-urlzsource
conda build opentargets-urlzsource
conda build purge
conda install -y --use-local opentargets-urlzsource

python platform-input-support.py -h


conda activate platform-input-support-py2.7
cd your_path_application
python platform-input-support -h
usage: platform-input-support.py [-h] [-c CONFIG]
                                 [-gkey GOOGLE_CREDENTIAL_KEY]
                                 [-gb GOOGLE_BUCKET] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-t]
                                 [-s SUFFIX] [-steps STEPS [STEPS ...]]
                                 [-exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]] [--skip]
                                 [-l] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
                                 [--log-config LOG_CONFIG]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to config file (YAML) [env var: CONFIG] (default:
  -gkey GOOGLE_CREDENTIAL_KEY, --google_credential_key GOOGLE_CREDENTIAL_KEY
                        The path were the JSON credential file is stored. [env
                        var: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] (default: None)
  -gb GOOGLE_BUCKET, --google_bucket GOOGLE_BUCKET
                        Copy the files from the output directory to a specific
                        google bucket (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        By default, the files are generated in the root
                        directory [env var: OT_OUTPUT_DIR] (default: None)
  -t, --thread          Run the script with thread [env var: OT_THREAD]
                        (default: False)
  -s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
                        The default suffix is yyyy-mm-dd [env var:
                        OT_SUFFIX_INPUT] (default: None)
  -steps STEPS [STEPS ...]
                        Run a specific list of sections of the config file. Eg
                        annotations annotations_from_buckets (default: None)
  -exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]
                        Exclude a specific list of sections of the config
                        file. Eg annotations annotations_from_buckets
                        (default: None)
  --skip                Skip the errors and just report them (default: False)
  -l, --list_steps      List of steps callable (default: False)
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        set the log level [env var: LOG_LEVEL] (default: INFO)

Google bucket requirements

To copy the files in a specific google storage bucket valid credentials must be used. The required parameter -gkey (--google_credential_key) allows the specification of Google storage JSON credential. Eg.

python platform-input-support.py -gkey /path/open-targets-gac.json -gb bucket/object_path
python platform-input-support.py 
         --google_credential_key /path/open-targets-gac.json 
         --google_bucket ot-snapshots/es5-sufentanil/tmp

More examples

python platform-input-support.py 
         --google_credential_key /path/open-targets-gac.json 
         --google_bucket ot-snapshots/es5-sufentanil/tmp
python platform-input-support.py 
         --google_credential_key /path/open-targets-gac.json 
         --google_bucket ot-snapshots/es5-sufentanil/tmp
         -steps annotations evidences
         -exclude ChEMBL
python platform-input-support.py 
         -gkey /path/open-targets-gac.json 
         -gb bucket/object_path -steps ChEMBL 
         --log-level DEBUG > log.txt 

Check if the files generated are correpted

The zip files generated might be corrupted. The follow command checks if the files are correct. sh check_corrupted_files.sh

Installation command for Google Cloud or Amazon Azure

Create a linux VM server and run the following commands

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
sudo apt-get install bzip2 
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda2-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Anaconda2-2018.12-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
conda update --prefix ~/anaconda2 anaconda
mkdir gitRepo
cd gitRepo
git clone https://github.com/opentargets/platform-input-support.git
cd platform-input-support
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate platform-input-support-py2.7
python platform-input-support.py -l

Use nohup to avoid that the process hang up.

nohup python platform-input-support.py 
         -gkey /path/open-targets-gac.json 
         -gb bucket/object_path -steps ChEMBL 
         --log-level DEBUG > log.txt &