
Troubleshooting "Progress DataDirect ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL" with CrateDB

Primary LanguagePython

Troubleshooting CrateDB with Progress DataDirect ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL


This is an interesting ODBC/Python-related issue when using the Progress DataDirect PostgreSQL ODBC Driver to insert data using pyodbc into CrateDB.

Problem report

When enabling pyodbc's fast_executemany setting, parameterized INSERT statements won't insert more than two rows. Without that setting, all rows get inserted as expected.

The documentation for that setting says:

This read/write attribute specifies whether to use a faster executemany() which uses parameter arrays.

Running the same against vanilla PostgreSQL works fine. When using PostgreSQL's official ODBC driver, psqlODBC - PostgreSQL ODBC driver, the problem does not happen with CrateDB.

Did we ever encounter a similar problem with other drivers? A complete Python script to reproduce is available within attic/minimal-repro.py.


Derived from minimal-repro.py, there is now a test suite which fully covers the whole scenario with different cases. It invokes the test suite on both databases (PostgreSQL vs. CrateDB), using both driver variants (psqlODBC vs. DataDirect PostgreSQL ODBC), with three variants of inserts (sequential, executemany, fast_executemany).

The test suite includes all ODBC driver files needed for running it on Linux without further ado. Only unixODBC is needed.

Install prerequisites:

# Debian and Ubuntu
apt-get install --yes unixodbc-dev

# macOS
brew install unixodbc

Run PostgreSQL and CrateDB side by side:

# Run PostgreSQL 13 and create database
docker run -it --rm --env "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" --publish=5432:5432 --name postgresql postgres:13.2
psql postgres://postgres@localhost --command "CREATE DATABASE doc;"

# Run CrateDB
docker run -it --rm --publish=4200:4200 --publish=6432:5432 crate/crate:4.5.1

Invoke testsuite on workstation:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/drivers/linux
make test

Invoke testsuite on Docker (needed when not running Linux):

docker run -it --rm --network=host --volume=$PWD:/src python:3.9 bash
apt-get update && apt-get install --yes unixodbc-dev
cd /src
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/src/drivers/linux
make test


Test suite

Indeed, when using the fast_executemany option with the Progress DataDirect PostgreSQL ODBC Driver, it is occasionally failing the test.

All other variants covered by the testsuite always succeed. The fast_executemany option apparently also does no harm when using the psqlODBC - PostgreSQL ODBC driver.

In order to specifically run those tests, invoke:

make test-trouble

Test suite report fragment for fast_executemany @ ddpsql @ cratedb:

tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-0] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-1] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-2] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-3] FAILED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-4] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-5] FAILED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-6] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-7] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-8] PASSED
tests/test_ddpsql.py::test_ddpsql_cratedb_executemany_fast[InsertStrategy.EXECUTEMANY_FAST-9] FAILED

The failed tests mostly demonstrate that the queried data is empty:

>       assert result == reference_data
E       AssertionError: assert left == right failed.
E         Showing unified diff (L=left, R=right):
E          L []
E          R [(1, 'User1'), (2, 'User2'), (3, 'User3'), (4, 'User4'), (5, 'User5')]

However, sometimes there is an anomaly like:

>       assert result == reference_data
E       AssertionError: assert left == right failed.
E         Showing unified diff (L=left, R=right):
E          L [(2, 'User2')]
E          R [(1, 'User1'), (2, 'User2'), (3, 'User3'), (4, 'User4'), (5, 'User5')]

Occasionally, this exception can be observed:

conn = <pyodbc.Connection object at 0x7f030955c8f0>

    def select_data(conn: Connection):

        cursor: Cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id;")
>       result = cursor.fetchall()
E       pyodbc.ProgrammingError: No results.  Previous SQL was not a query.

Trace logs


In order to enable corresponding tracing options, invoke those SQL statements:

SET GLOBAL 'logger.io.crate.action.sql' = 'TRACE';
SET GLOBAL 'logger.io.crate.protocols.postgres' = 'TRACE';

Apply them using either Admin UI, crash, or psql, like:

psql postgres://crate@localhost:6432 --command "SET GLOBAL 'logger.io.crate.action.sql' = 'TRACE';"
psql postgres://crate@localhost:6432 --command "SET GLOBAL 'logger.io.crate.protocols.postgres' = 'TRACE';"

Then, run the offending database workload, like:

pytest -k "cratedb and ddpsql and many and fast" -vvv


In order to get meaningful insights into the log files, the ./reports folder contains trace logs of particular spots of the test suite as well as corresponding comparison reports in form of diff files.

To produce those, the database workload has been invoked using both executemany vs. the fast_executemany strategies on each driver, ddpsql vs. psqlodbc.

The results from those comparisons have been sanitized, diffed and stored at:

  • ./reports/01-trace/ddpsql.diff
  • ./reports/01-trace/psqlodbc.diff