
Micro Profile Samples

Primary LanguageJava

Micro Profile - Samples

Purpose of these samples

Give different samples on the Micro Profile :

  • Canonical Simplest sample using JAX-RS 2.0 / CDI 1.2 / JSon-P 1.0
  • Swagger Adding Swagger to the canonical sample


These examples use Arquillian Tests. By default, Arquillian uses WildFly embedded, but other forms of containers can also be plugged in.

  • mvn clean test -P arquillian-wildfly-managed tests against an embedded WildFly
  • mvn clean test -P arquillian-wildfly-remote tests against a running WildFly
  • mvn clean test -P arquillian-tomee-managed tests against an embedded Apache TomEE
  • mvn clean test -P arquillian-tomee-remote tests against a remote Apache TomEE