
A model to analyze the sentiment of user reviews.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Sentiment Analysis

Kaggle Challenge - Amazon Reviews: A task to identify the polarity of mobile phone reviews posted on Amazon.


Comparison of custom trained Gensim embedding model to pre-trained word embedding models (Google word2vec and Stanford GloVe).

System Architecture

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Working Steps

Data Cleaning

Tokenization, followed by removing stopwords, special characters and abbreviations.

Feature Extraction

Using Common Bag of Words and tf-idf values to determine feature points.

Building Model

Building 3 different models using Gensim, Word2Vec and GloVe respectively. Words represented as one-hot-vectors are transformed to equivalent numeric vectors of dimension size 300. Similarity between words calculated by cosine of corresponding numeric vectors. This is represented as follows: Image Description

Review Vectorization

Each processed review is replaced with the mean of the word-vectors and is plotted in the word-vector space.


The reviews are then categorized using RandomForestClassifier into good(1), neutral(0) and bad(-1). These were tested against the actual class values provided in the dataset.


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  • Google Word2Vec : 80.35 %
  • Stanford GloVe : 80.03 %
  • Gensim Word2Vec : 83.26 %