Typescript Template for Node REST API

A simple TS template with configured with:

  • Knex Query Builder

  • JEST testing enviroment

  • .ENV enviroment variables


Use this template by clicking at the "Use this template" button and following the instructions

Alt text

after cloning your repository with the template, make sure you installed the packages with:

NPM: npm install

Yarn: yarn install



Fill the .env info

Run the knex migrations:

NPM: npm knex migrate:latest

Yarn: yarn knex migrate:latest


To run the server just run:

NPM: npm start

Yarn: yarn start

The template uses knex and express for the server

Two routes are already implemented, post and get for '/users'


This template comes with Jest configured with two tests. to run them:

NPM: npm test

Yarn: yarn test

Happy coding :D