Train Seat Booking and Queue Simulation Program

This project consists of two projects which have been combined to work together as one application.

  • Train Seat Booking Application using JavaFX as the Frontend GUI
  • Train Waiting and Boarding Queue Automation with Frontend GUI allowing us to visualize the simulation of passengers moving within the queues to board the train.

Features that are available within both of the programs

Train Seat Booking Application:

  • Book train seat
  • View all train seats
  • View Empty Seats
  • Find seat by Customer Name
  • Save all Seat Data to file
  • Load seat data from file
  • View Seats sorted by Customer Name

Train Queue Simulation Program

  • Add Passenger to queue
  • View Queues
  • Delete Passended from Queue
  • Save Queue Data
  • Load Queue Data
  • Run Simulation and Produce a Report