
Customizing web archives result

Primary LanguagePython


Customizing web archives result


Archive-py is a Python project for customizing web archives result


  • Search for urls between dates
  • Modify your archive search result limit
  • Search for custom strings in urls
  • Extract parameters from target's archive result
  • Find common filenames from target's archive result
  • Find domains from target's archive result
  • Exclude extensions
  • Search based on statuscode
  • Coloruful results so you can see results better


Use python3 to use Archive-py.

$ git clone https://github.com/hamoshwani/Archive-py.git
$ cd Archive-py
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200


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Coded by:Ahmad Shwani

python3 archive.py --help for help

usage: ./archive.py -u [target] -c [statuscode]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       How To Use This Tool
  -u Target        target url ex:google.com
  -f From          archive date from
  -t To            archive date to
  -c Statuscode    status code ex:200
  -l Limit         Archive limit try increase limit for better results default
                   is 20k
  -s Search        Only print Urls contains searched word
  -e Exclude       Exclude extensions ex:css,js
  --domains        extract only urls from archive result
  --params         Extract urls contains parameters
  --common Common  Search for common filenames ex:php,aspx,html
  --save           Saving results to output directory

Command instructions

Command Description
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 Shows web archives result
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 -s admin Search for admin keyword in web archives result
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 -f 2007 -t 2020 -s admin Search between dates for admin keyword
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 -f 2007 -t 2020 -l 50000 Increasing search limit to 50k default is 20k
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 --params Extract urls contains parameters
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 --params -s id Extract parameters then search for id keyword
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 -e js,css Exclude extensions
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 --common php Find common filenames php,asp,aspx,wsdl,tpl,admin,install
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 --domain --save Extract domains from archives result
python3 archive.py -u example.com -c 200 --domain --save Saving results to output directory


Thank you for your interest in Archive-py. Your contributions are highly welcome.

  • Report a bug.
  • Help in fixing bugs.
  • Suggest a feature.

Thanks to devanshbatham

Contact me

Twitter: hamoshwani

Email: hhamoka3@gmail.com