create table rental_permits (address text, permit text, subtype text, status text, owner text, issued text, expired text, description text, stipulations text)
It is important to note that not all of these are active rentals, and therefore, we cannot ensure the accuracy of the information provided for any CR with a status of anything other than “Certified” or “Under Review”.
Washtenaw County geocode server, doesn't seem to work:
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON permits.geojson pg:'user=matth password= host=localhost port=5432 dbname=matth' rental_permits -sql "select * from rental_permits where clean_status is not null and clean_status != 'owner_occupied'"
Permits to tippecanoe: -r1
keeps all features
tippecanoe --output-to-directory=permit_tiles permits.geojson --include=address --include=owner --include=issued --include=expired --include=description --include=stipulations --include=clean_status --read-parallel -f --no-tile-compression --drop-densest-as-needed -r1
select distinct address, 'Ann Arbor' as city, 'MI' as state
from rental_permits
where geom is null;
select distinct address, 'Ann Arbor' as city, 'MI' as state
from rental_permits
where address ilike '%brookfield%'
or address ilike '%braeburn%'
or address ilike '%arrowwood%';
-- Bring it back into postgres
drop table rental_geocodes_1;
create table
rental_geocodes_1 (address text, lat text, lng text, quality text);
update rental_geocodes_1
set address = replace(address, ', Ann Arbor, MI', '');
update rental_permits
set lat =,
lng = g.lng,
quality = g.quality
from rental_geocodes_1 g
where rental_permits.address = g.address;
create table ann_arbor_parcel_address
select address,
(regexp_matches(address, '\d+'))[1],
st_centroid(wkb_geometry) as geom
from ann_arbor_parcels;
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON ann_arbor_parcel_address.geojson pg:'user=matth password= host=localhost port=5432 dbname=matth' ann_arbor_parcel_address -sql "select * from ann_arbor_parcel_address"
address labels to tippecanoe: -r1
keeps all features. -Z17
only starts generating at z17:
tippecanoe --output-to-directory=address_labels ann_arbor_parcel_address.geojson --include=num --read-parallel -f --no-tile-compression --drop-densest-as-needed -r1 -Z15 -z16
tippecanoe --output-to-directory=damnit ann_arbor_parcel_address.geojson --read-parallel -f --no-tile-compression