We're rebuilding historicdetroit.org with Rails
bundle install
bundle config build.pg --with-pg-config=/usr/local/bin/pg_config
Optional Skylight performance monitoring: set the SKYLIGHT_AUTHENTICATION
environment variable.
rails s
You'll need to make sure the Google Cloud Storage key in is set in storage.yml
rake import:architects[""]
- Architects
- Buildings (uses Architects)
- Galleries (uses Buildings)
rails g migration CreateJoinTable table1 table2
for Rails Admin
Photo.all.each { |i| i.photo.recreate_versions!(:sidebar_slim) if i.photo? }
Photo.all.each { |i| i.photo.recreate_versions! if i.phto? }
Postcard.all.each { |i| i.front.recreate_versions!(:sidebar_slim) if i.front?; i.back.recreate_versions!(:sidebar_slim) if i.back? }