
This is an implementation of the exercise described here

Seeding your local database

Assuming you have elixir/mix/postgres installed, you can create and seed the database with the following command. This will provide you with 1_000_000 users with their points value initialized to 0.

mix ecto.setup

NOTE: Due to limits with postgres, we batch up the inserts into groups of 25_000 users

You can reset the database and re-seed the database with:

mix ecto.reset

Running the Server

To start the server, make sure you have setup the database above, then run:

mix phx.server

With that running the server exposes a single endpoint at http://localhost:4000


Functional Core

The core set of functions for operating on a PointState are located in RemoteExercise.PointState. The Boundary relies on this core but the separation allows us to easily test each piece individually.


The PointManager is a GenServer that starts when the server starts. Every minute this GenServer will spawn a task to update all 1_000_000 users point values in the background. This task's result will be monitored and logged within the GenServer. A task is used so that the API doesn't lockup while an update occurs.

NOTE: On my machine the update occurs usually in 2-4 seconds. There is a configureable postgres query timeout that may need increased on your machine (default 15 seconds).


The test suite is located in the test folder and can be run with:

mix test