
A small but functional e-commerce engine (rails 5.0)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Office Clerk

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Office Clerk is the back office helper, your accountant, storage manager, secretary and more. It is the heart of the RubyClerks team , the manager as it were.


Version 1.0.0 (beginning 2016) In production for 2 years on sites with less than 10000 orders a year.

It works with ruby 2.0 or higher and rails 4.2

Other clerks

The original plan has been implemented: several extension "clerk" will be optional. Below a list of what is available, and off course you should write your own.


This currently does graphical sales reports. Purchase order creation is planned.

Print Clerk

A invoice generator. Also barcode generation and receipt printing (for POS use).

Stripe Clerk

Stripe Payment engine. (Only for client, ie shop)

Sales Clerk

We have a shop online, the best way to get started is to clone it.

Getting Started

The easy way (tryout or new project):

  • clone sales_clerk
  • bundle and migrate it
  • change the git/config
  • start editing

The longer route, adding to existing project

  • add office_clerk to Gemfile (gem or git)
  • build your public pages
  • possibly copy ShopController from sales_clerk as a starting point


Check the User Guide, then the Developer Guide.

If you got this far and still have question , mail me, or mail the list

Fill issues if you find, or discuss with me for ideas.

Release strategy

One of the things that got me started on this project was the effort i spent to keep up with releases. I think for a working system one should not have to spend great effort just to keep it working. In other words, i will try and resist change on the core.

  1. patch releases will require no changes, should be safe to upgrade any time
  2. minor releases may include html changes and possibly migrations that add things.
  3. Only mayor releases would need actual non trivial work to upgrade. I am not looking for one of those in the foreseeable future, stability is key.

That may sound a bit pragmatic and it is. But it applies to the core only. I do encourage you to write extensions and am happy to add decent extensions to the organisation.

Similar Projects

  • "Spree":http:spreecommerce.com , the grandfather of the rails ecommerce has grown big and mighty
  • "Ror-e":http://ror-e.com/ has some nice purchase features, and did great work to standardise rails usage
  • "MarketStreet":https://github.com/alex-nexus/market_street/ has taken the ball from ror-e and is running strong with an impressive list of goals
  • "TryShoppe":http://tryshoppe.com/ is new and lightweight. Very nice looking interface.