
new nvim-config

Primary LanguageLua


nvim config

此配置来自于 ThinkVim,可以认为本配置是 ThinkVim 的私人定制版本。非常感谢 ThinkVim 作者开源的 vim 配置 现在配置全部基于 lua 重写,需要 neovim 6.0

PS: 目前 ThinkVim 已经不维护,大神目前在用的配置是这个配置

Table of Contents

  1. 特性
  2. key
    1. Normal
    2. Window
    3. Find
    4. File
    5. Outline
    6. Operator Surround
    7. Lightspeed





KeyMap Mode Description
j N accelerated-jk
k N accelerated-jk
Ctrl + s IN Save buffer
Ctrl + h I backspace
Ctrl + d I delete
Ctrl + S I Save buffer
Ctrl + Q I Save buffer and Quit
] + e N Prev diagnostic
[ + e N Next diagnostic
[ + g N Prev git chunkinfo
[ + g N Next git chunkinfo
g + d N Jump to definition
g + y N Jump type definition
g + i N Jump implementation
g + r N rename
K N Show document


KeyMap Mode Description
Ctrl + h N jump left window
Ctrl + j N jump bottom window
Ctrl + k N jump top window
Ctrl + l N jump right window
Leader + ws N horizontally split
Leader + wv N vertical split


KeyMap Mode Description
Leader + fa N Find input char
Leader + ff N Find file
Leader + fh N Find history file
Leader + bb N Find Buffer


KeyMap Mode Description
Leader + e N Open file tree
Leader + F N Open file with current buffer


KeyMap Mode Description
Leader + v N Open Outline

Operator Surround

KeyMap Mode Description
sa V operator-surround-append
sd V operator-surround-delete
sr V operator-surround-replace


KeyMap Mode Description
s N Search Word