Our mobile app and this plugin are working together. Firstly you need to register an account from mobile app. Than You must enter your email and password into plugin to match app and plugin. All api requests need a header token value.For every login ,JWT token will be generate automatically.If for some reason this token lost or wrong, than your all requests will not effect our backend.
You can review our plugin codes and if you have any advice please contact us!
If you want to mange this plugin from your mobile, please download our app from play store.
Create an account from mobile app than enter your credetials into our plugin. Thats it!
1. Start/Stop bot
2. Set trainig area
3. Chat with all channels
4. Character detail in real time (gold,mp_max,region,server,guild....)
5. Party members
6. Guild members
7. Booting status
8. Notifications
- Download plugin and locate it into your phBot folder/Plugins/ location.
- Open your phBot program you should see our plugin. If something wrong please contact us.