
Calculate the day of the week for any given date (Gregorian calendar)

Primary LanguageJava

Day of the Week

Run on Repl.it

There is a much easier, buit-in way to get the day of the year for a given date, you have to be using Java 8, however. In order to use that, you must import java.time.LocalDate;

The following is the same method as in the code, however, it has been written using built-in way of obtaining the day of the year:

public static String getDay(int day, int month, int year) {
  LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
  return date.getDayOfYear().name();

Despite of this, I thought it would be fun to make my own method, which uses Zeller's rule to calculate the day of the week for any given date.

Zeller's rule states:


  • is the day of the week
    • 0 → Sunday
    • 1 → Monday
    • 2 → Tuesday
    • 3 → Wednesday
    • 4 → Thursday
    • 5 → Friday
    • 6 → Saturday
  • is the day of the month
  • is the month of the year
    • January → 11
    • February → 12
    • March → 1
    • April → 2
    • May → 3
    • June → 4
    • July → 5
    • August → 6
    • September → 7
    • October → 8
    • November → 9
    • December → 10
  • is the number of decades in the century up to the year (i.e. year % 100)
    • When month is January or February, of the previous year is considered
  • is the number of centuries up to the century (i.e. year / 100)
    • When month is January or February, of the previous year is considered

For some dates, there are cases where evaluates to a negative number. The rule provides a work-around for such a case as follows:

  • Find the largest multiple of 7 that is less than or equal to
  • Subtract this multiple of 7, from
  • Let this value become the new