
The classic Parsheesi game with real spanish rules.

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A traditionnal game adapted with specific rules. We love this game with theses strict rules. La Loi is the key. You can follow theses rules listed bellow. Have fun !


The game need at least 3 players to be a real game. A normal game starts with 4 players. You can have up to 2 dices, but by default its 1.


You have 4 pawns in your base camp. The aim of the game is to reach the your endpoint of the board with your 4 pawns. Each turn you run you dice getting a value on how much you can mive forward.

Once you get your for 4 pawns in your base you won. Pawns when they go out from your base they are in your start point. Each player has a different position where to start. Will always be the same and does not change.

More details about the rules are bellow.

  • When you are in the base position of another player and he get a pawn out from his base, your pawn go back to your base camp.
  • If you break any of the rules your last played pawn goes to your base camp.


A barrage is when you have two pawns in the same position.

  • Nobody can eat you in a safe place or in you base position.
  • You can do a barrage whith your pawns anyhwere.
  • You can also have a barrage with other players only in safe place.
  • You cannot move your pawn if the barrage is in front of you and before your ended position.


  • Take a pawn out when dice do 5.
  • Eating when you can. Means also with the keeper.
  • When all pawns are in game you have to go with 12 if you do a 6 with the dice.


  • If you get a 5, its mandatory to get a pawn from your base camp out first before any other option.
  • If you get a 6 you can play the next turn too, up to 3 times.
  • If you get a 6 and all your pawns are in game, it becomes a 12.
  • After 3 plays where yout get a value of 6, the last pawn played must came back to the base camp. Unless he is in a safe place.


  • When you play your dice if the keeper can eat with theses numbers he has to eat. Unless the pawn eatten is yours or there is a barrage to reach it.
  • The keeper doesn't move if you hit a 5 and you still have a pawn in your base camp.
  • If the keeper eat for you he give you the same bonus: +20.


  • Eating gives: +20.
  • Quar gives: +10.
  • 6 when all pawns in game gives: x2.