
This repository hosts a Quiz Application developed using Spring Boot, a popular Java-based framework for building robust and scalable applications. The Quiz App is designed to provide an interactive platform for users to participate in quizzes across various topics.

Primary LanguageJava

Quiz App using Spring Boot

Introduction Hi! This is a beginner-level Spring Boot project, so you can easily incorporate it into any of your Spring Boot projects. For instance, I've included JWT for authorization, allowing you to simply add one module for authorization. Features List the key features of your Quiz App, such as:

User authentication and authorization Quiz management (create, update, delete)

Outline the technologies and frameworks used in your project, including:

Spring Boot Spring Security MySQL (or any other database) Installation Provide instructions on how to set up and run your Quiz App locally. Include steps such as:

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/hamzaalamlinux/QuizaApp.git Configure the database settings in application.properties Build and run the application using Maven or your preferred IDE Usage Explain how users can interact with your Quiz App, including:

Registering/logging in Taking quizzes Viewing quiz history and scores Screenshots/Demo you can see all responses from this Collection : https://api.postman.com/collections/9047570-c6a59ab3-30b3-4d8b-8ab7-197e510f9c22?access_key=PMAT-01HQEJZSPHS4K1QJBXEHGTXKK7

Contributing Reporting bugs Requesting new features Submitting pull requests License Specify the license under which your project is distributed. For example: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Contact gmail:alamhamza873@gmail.com linkdin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamza-alam-668910199/