
A Blog for My Personal Details for use it in my feature


Scale and Manage Servers and OS

Apply Security Patches

Support for what Lang ?

Java ,Python ,Go ,Node and c#


1- Image Processing in apple ,android and Linux machine

2- Analyzed the Soclial media data eg Trending

Companies using

=> Coca Cola ,Robot ,Bencling and NordStrom

How it Works ?

1- Client sent request

2- Lambda Receive the request

3- Depend upon the amount of data it is Serve By Containers.

Backing Up data

Two buckets for data

1- Source bucket

2- Destination bucket

Uses IAM Roles and Policies

Send Data from source to Destination Bucket Using lambda functions By defining their proper roles

Function as a service arcitecture (ServerLess)

Single Function act as a service

Pay for use

For no container ,amount of money is zero and increases with no of containers

In services go to lambda

code sec for code writing

Configuration sec for configuration in other files like index.handler

handler Function



Event Object

AWS Services

1 - Amazon s3 service (HTML,CSS,Js) used for static files

2- API gateway

3- DyanmoDB

When a new image is uploaded ,in which s3 bucket it is uploaded and name of object and that data is transfered to lambda function,That data is stored in event


Context Object

Provide runtime information - Function name

Provide details of execution environment - Memory Limit

Has various properties and method of gettimeoutmilisec

Logging using cloud watch service

Log group name and Log stream name are also get from context object

Used for Logging

Lambda functions can be created from Online code Editor or from Zip file

Lambda Functions can be created from AWS CLI


A trigger is a Lambda resource or a resource in another service that you configure to invoke your function in response to lifecycle events, external requests, or on a schedule. Your function can have multiple triggers. Each trigger acts as an client invoking your function independently.