
Learn Redux On GitHub Blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with Redux

                      1- npm init
                      2- npm install redux 
                      3- Create index.js
                      4- node index.js

Three concepts of Redux

Store Hold the state of your application An action describe the changes in your application A reducer which caries out the state transitions


              1 - Plain js object of type 
              2 - An action Creator function

              ***********  **Code** **************
              const BUY_CAKE='BUY_CAKE'
              function buyCake(){
                           info:'First Redux Action'


          Become Incharge of How state changed.
          Take the action and state as parameter and Return New State 
          *********** Code **************

        const initialState={
        const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
        switch (action.type) {
        case BUY_CAKE: return {
        numOfCakes: state.numOfCakes - 1
        default: return state


          Hold Application State
          Allow Access to state Via getState()
          Allow state to be updated Via dispatch(Action)
          Registered Listeners Via Subscribe 
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            It is a suggested way to extend redux with custom functionality .