Ecommerce Website with Django

This project was created for educational purposes !

Clone the project

The following steps suppose that you already have installed Git !

To run the project on windows, Do the following steps :

  • Copy the following link :
  • Go to your Editor (VS Code), click on Git button on the right and choose "Clone Repository" :
  • A popup will appear on the top of your VS Code editor
  • Paste the already copied link and click Enter
  • Choose where you want to put the project (Ex : on your desktop) image
  • Wait for git to clone your project
  • When finished, you should have a popup window on the bottom of your VS Code editor telling you if you want to open the project
  • Click on "Open"

Create Virtual environment :

If you are using windows, you could ignore this part, because the environment is already present in the project.
If you are using Linux or MacOS, Follow thoes steps :

  • Open the integrated terminal on VS Code
  • Create your virtual environment with the following command : python3 -m venv env_mac

Run the project on Windows

To run the project on windows, Open the integrated terminal of VS Code and run the following commands :

  • Activate your environment : .\env\Scripts\activate
  • Start the project : python runserver

Run the project on MacOS

To run the project on MacOS, Open the integrated terminal of VS Code and run the following commands :

  • Activate your environment : source env/bin/activate
  • Start the project : python runserver