This project was created for educational purposes !
The following steps suppose that you already have installed Git !
To run the project on windows, Do the following steps :
- Copy the following link :
- Go to your Editor (VS Code), click on Git button on the right and choose "Clone Repository" :
- A popup will appear on the top of your VS Code editor
- Paste the already copied link and click Enter
- Choose where you want to put the project (Ex : on your desktop)
- Wait for git to clone your project
- When finished, you should have a popup window on the bottom of your VS Code editor telling you if you want to open the project
- Click on "Open"
If you are using windows, you could ignore this part, because the environment is already present in the project.
If you are using Linux or MacOS, Follow thoes steps :
- Open the integrated terminal on VS Code
- Create your virtual environment with the following command : python3 -m venv env_mac
To run the project on windows, Open the integrated terminal of VS Code and run the following commands :
- Activate your environment : .\env\Scripts\activate
- Start the project : python runserver
To run the project on MacOS, Open the integrated terminal of VS Code and run the following commands :
- Activate your environment : source env/bin/activate
- Start the project : python runserver