🛒 Online Retail 🛒



  • This data is a UK based and registered store. It is a transnational dataset containing all transactions that took place between 2010 and 2011. The company mainly sells gifts for all occasions. Many of the company's customers are wholesalers.



Understanding Customer Segment Dynamics through Data Analysis

  • The aim of this data analysis is to shed light on the evolving dynamics of customer segments. The dataset encompasses customer behaviors, product preferences, and trends over time within the business. Through the analysis of this data, we aim to identify distinct customer groups, popular products, and changes over time. The outcomes of this study could contribute to refining business strategies and making informed decisions.

  • This report presents the data analysis conducted to elucidate fundamental characteristics and shifting trends within the wholesale customer segment. It begins with an overview of the dataset's general structure and contents, followed by a focus on key findings such as customer segmentation and popular product analysis. The results could provide deeper insights for the enhancement and optimization of business strategies.


Field Description
InvoiceNo Invoice number. A 6-digit integer uniquely assigned to each transaction. If starts with 'c', it's a cancel.
StockCode Product code. A 5-digit integer uniquely assigned to each different product.
Description Product name.
Quantity Quantity of each product (item) per transaction. Numerical data.
InvoiceDate Invoice Date and time. Numeric data, the day and time each transaction was created.
UnitPrice Unit price. Numerical data, product price per unit in pounds sterling.
CustomerID Customer number. A 5-digit integer assigned individually to each customer.
Country Country name. Name of the country of residence of each client.


  • I believe there might be minor errors or mistakes in this Python data analysis project I've shared on GitHub. If you notice any errors or inaccuracies, could you please provide me with feedback? This way, I can identify my own mistakes and improve the project. I'm looking forward to your contributions! Thank you.