
This code reads data from a CSV file containing the registration details of teams participating in an event, and generates a ticket for each team. The ticket includes a QR code with the team details and an event logo. The team name, category, members, and contact information are also displayed on the ticket along with the Think Tank and MLSA logos.

The code first imports the necessary modules, including csv for reading the CSV file, qrcode for generating the QR code, and PIL for creating and editing the ticket image. It then opens the CSV file and uses csv.DictReader to read each row as a dictionary.

For each row, the code extracts the relevant data, creates a string with the event details, generates a QR code from the string, and resizes the QR code to fit the ticket. It then creates a blank ticket image, adds the event logo and QR code to the ticket, and adds the team details and logos to the ticket. If the team is participating in a programming language-specific category, the code also adds the logo of the programming language to the ticket.

Finally, the code saves each ticket image as a PNG file.

The code can be used to make tickets for people coming at an event, and you have a large number of people, you dont need to download any software or give the sensitive information at any website, you can just import the .csv, run the code and thats it

For changes in csv file:

with open('registrations.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=['Team Name', 'Team Category', 'Member1', 'Contact', 'Member2', 'Member3','Language','Institution', 'Username', 'password'])

Change the order of the array according to the csv order or it will show incorrect data

Disclaimer: The data contained in the CSV file is auto-generated and is not related to any real individuals or organizations. The data is intended for demonstration and educational purposes only. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author of this file does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the data, and is not liable for any damages or losses that may arise from the use of this data.