
This is a repository of 4 major attacks that expose the vulnerabilities of Voice Processing Systems.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a repositity of 4 pertubtion techniques that expose the vunerabilites of Voice Processing Systems (VPSes).


The use of the following attacks requires an extensive use of libraries and imports. Be sure to install all the following:

Install Following Libraries:

pip install numpy scipy scikit-learn matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose librosa Pillow SpeechRecognition <br />
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Download .py to code directory:

1. Time Domain Inversion Attack (TDI)

Two completely different signals in the time domain can have similar spectra. This attack modifies audio in the time domain while preserving it's spectrum, by inverting the windows signal. Inverting small windows across the entire signal removes the smoothness and thus makes it more difficult for the human ear to interpret.


1. Type of Attack
Specify what type of attack you want to run. For running the TDI attack you would add the flag below: -type "TDI"

2. Input Path
The direct path to the location of the .wav file to be pertubated in the attack (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -p "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --path "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

3. Output Path
The path to write the output location of the pertubated .wav file (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -output "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --outputP "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

4. Window Size
The window size determines the length of the window to be inverted throughout the array representation of the .wav file

-window size of 5 will have this effect on an array from 1-10:              
- original: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]                         
- window size of 5: [5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6]    
- ex: -window 5
      --windowSize 5


  1. python env_name -type "TDI" -p "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav" -output "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample_output.wav" -window 24

  2. python env_name -typeOfAttack "TDI" --path "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav" --outputPath "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample_output.wav" --windowSize 24

2. Random Phase Generation (RPG)

Exploits the way magnitude is used in the phase for an audio signal. Magnitude is a one to many function. Two signals of different phases can have the same magnitude spectrum. This attack will output a new signal with a different phase yet with the same magnitude spectrum as the original signal. This attack will thus introduce discontinuities in the signal which will make it harder to interpret


1. Type of Attack
Specify what type of attack you want to run. For running the TDI attack you would add the flag below: -type "RPG"

2. Input Path
The direct path to the location of the .wav file to be pertubated in the attack (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -p "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --path "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

3. Output Path
The path to write the output location of the pertubated .wav file (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -output "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --outputP "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

4. Window Size
The window size determines the number of samples that will have the RPG function applied to it. -ex: -window 5 --windowSize 5

3. High Frequency Addition (HFA)

VPSes remove high frequencies from the audio signal during the preprocessing phase in order to improve accuracy. Spoken content is below 8000 Hz and and sampled at 16000 Hz. This attack creates high intensity sin waves and adds it to the real audio. By doing so we can mask the real audio and while still ensuring the VPSes understand it due to it's preprocessing.


1. Type of Attack
Specify what type of attack you want to run. For running the TDI attack you would add the flag below: -type "HFA"

2. Input Path
The direct path to the location of the .wav file to be pertubated in the attack (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -p "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --path "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

3. Output Path
The path to write the output location of the pertubated .wav file (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -output "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --outputP "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

4. Frequency
An integer denoting the frequency of the sine wave produced for the attack. -EX: -f 8000 -EX: --frequency 8000

5. Intensity
This is an integer which controls the intensity of how strong or loud the sine wave will be in the attack. -EX: -i 20000 -EX: --intensity 20000

4. Time Scaling (TS)

This attack accelerates the voice commands to a point where they are still able to be properly transcribed but fast enough to make it harder to interpret by the human ear.


1. Type of Attack
Specify what type of attack you want to run. For running the TDI attack you would add the flag below: -type "HFA"

2. Input Path
The direct path to the location of the .wav file to be pertubated in the attack (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -p "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --path "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

3. Output Path
The path to write the output location of the pertubated .wav file (note the path must be surrounded by quotes).

-ex: -output "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"
-ex: --outputP "C:\Users\xyz\AudioFiles\sample.wav"

4. Tempo
Controls the tempo of the audio file -EX: --tempo "20"