
This is my First Year College Project that I did in 2019. It has some basic EPOS system features and CRUD for products and staff. In future I will polish some features and most definitely clean up the Code.

Primary LanguageJava


EPOS System application made in Java.

Setup with Netbeans and Clean and Recompile the Code to Run.

Final Mockup Design Documnet of the Epos System.

Epos Mockup

The App has Basic Database Authoriaztion for User/Manager Login and has basic Error Check and Input Restrictions for text boxes so for Employee No, a user cannot enter any letters or special characters.

Text Area's are Used to display the Added Products and the it has all the necessary Error Checks in place and also Input Restrictions for text boxes. After each checkout the slae is recorded in the database.

Products and Users have Basic CRUD operations in place.

Simple End of Day reports,