
My reading list and personal summaries. Most of the papers are in the field of medical image analysis and computer vision.


Here is the list of papers that I read as a researcher in the field of medical image analysis and AI for healthcare.

Most of the papers are in the field of medical image analysis and computer vision.

In each summary, I will include the following parts: (1) objective, (2) proposed method, (3) my version and the difference, and (4) comments.

Specifically, my version and the difference means that after I have a basic idea of the objective and proposed methods by looking at the abstract (without reading the paper in detail), I will write down my version of this paper, e.g., (1) how I would develop this method and (2) how I would design my experiments. This is motivated by this [video]. The goal is to pick up the parts where I think differently from the authors and learn from it.