

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Eduxo is a state management library based on redux and typescript.

Model --> Connector  <-- Component
    Connected Component          

The Model has its own state and actions. The component has also its own state and actions. The Connector is responsible for matching the state and actions of the Model and the Component.

There is not a 1 to 1 relationship between the Model and the Component, you can easily do more to more connections:

ModelA -->   |-----------|
ModelB -->   | Connector |  <-- Component
ModelC -->   |-----------|
          Connected Component

A Model can be used in multiple Components and, and multiple Models can belond go a Component.

Example Usage

In order to create a Connected Component, you need to

  1. Create an Eduxo instance.
  2. Create a model and add it to the Eduxo instance.
  3. Create a Component
  4. Connect the Component with the Eduxo instance.

1. Create an Eduxo instance


import Eduxo from '../../src/eduxo';

export interface IDispatchers {}

const app = new Eduxo<IDispatchers>();

2. Create the model


import { IModel } from '../../src/eduxo';

export interface IDispatchers {
  showLoading: () => void;

export interface IState {
  isLoading: boolean;

export enum actionTypes {
  showLoading = 'showLoading',
  hideLoading = 'hideLoading',

const initialState = {
  isLoading: false,

const model: IModel<IState, IDispatchers> = {
  namespace: 'home',
  reducers: {
    [actionTypes.showLoading]: (state = initialState, action) => {
      return {
        isLoading: true,
    [actionTypes.hideLoading]: (state = initialState, action) => {
      return {
        isLoading: false,
  generateDispatchers: dispatch => {
    return {
      showLoading: () => {
          type: actionTypes.showLoading,

export default model;

add the model to the Edux instance


import Eduxo from '../../src/eduxo';
import model, * as modelTypes from './model';

export interface IDispatchers {
  home: modelTypes.IDispatchers,

const app = new Eduxo<IDispatchers>();


export default app;

3. Create the Component


import * as React from 'react';

export interface IPropStates {
    isLoading: boolean

export interface IProps {
    doSomething: (a:number,b:string) => void,

export interface IProps2 extends IPropStates, IProps {};

class MyComp extends React.Component<IProps2> {
    public componentDidMount() {
        const a = this.props.count;

    public render() {
        return (
            <button className="button" id="button" onClick={()=>{this.props.doSomething(1,'sdf')}}/>

export default MyComp;

4. Connect the model and the component


import { eduxoConnect } from '../../src/eduxo'
import Comp, { IProps, IProps2, IPropStates,  } from './component';
import app from "./store";
const ConntectedComp = eduxoConnect<IPropStates, IProps>((state: any)=>{
    return {
        count: state.home.count,
}, {
    doSomething: app.dispatchers.home.showLoading

export default ConntectedComp;

Now you can just use the connected component as a component.

Run tests

npm run test