Various data structure written in python by Han Bao and Phillip Werner
Linked list, where each node has a one way reference to the next.
Push: O(1)
- Insert given value to the head
Pop: O(1)
- Remove the head value
Size: O(1)
- Returns the current size
Search: O(n)
- Searches for the given value
Remove: O(n)
- Remove the given value
Display: O(n)
- Display the current list as a string of tuple
_len_: O(1)
- Declare len() method which returns the value from self.size()
Doubly-Linked-Lists, where each node has two way reference to its previous and next node.
Push: O(1)
- Insert given value to the head
Pop: O(1)
- Remove the head value
Append: O(1)
- Insert given value to the tail
Shift: O(1)
- Remove the tail value
Remove: O(n)
- Remove the given value from the list
_len_: O(1)
- Declare len() method which returns the value from self.size()
FILO (First In Last Out), where the frist node pushed in is the last node that will be pop.
Push: O(1)
- Insert given value to the head
Pop: O(1)
- Remove the head value
_len_: O(1)
- Declare len() method which returns the value from self.size()
FIFO (First In First Out), where the first node enqueued is the first node that will be dequeued.
Enqueue: O(1)
- Insert given value to the tail
Dequeue: O(1)
- Remove the head value
_len_: O(1)
- Declare len() method which returns the value from self.size()
Ordered list, where each node has two way reference to its previous and next node.
Append: O(1)
- Insert given value to the tail
Append_Left : 0(1)
- Insert given value to the head
Pop: O(1)
- Remove the tail value
Pop_Left: 0(1)
- Remove the head value
Peek: O(1)
- Returns the tail value
Peek_Left: O(1)
- Returns the head value
Size: 0(1)
- Returns the size of the deque
_len_: O(1)
- Declare len() method which returns the value from self._counter.
Min heap that stores value using min-heap artictiure
Push: O(N)
- Insert a value into the heap, perculate up to proper node.
Pop: O(N)
- Pop the top value from the heap(min value for min heap)
A graph structure where each node can be direct/point to another node.
nodes: O(n)
- return a list of all nodes in the graph.
edges: O(n^2)
- return a list of all edges in the graph.
add_node: O(1)
- add a new node to the graph if not already existed.
add_edge: O(1)
- add a new directed edge from the two nodes inputted, add node(s) if not existed.
del_node: O(n)
- delete the given node from the graph, raise error if no such node exists.
del_edge: O(1)
- delete the edge from inputted nodes(1 to 2), raise error if no such edge exists.
has_node: O(1)
- return true if given node is in the graph, false if it's not.
neighbors: O(1)
- return a list of all nodes the given node can reach(directed to).
adjacent: O(1):
- return true if an edge exist between node 1 and node 2 (either direction), false otherwise.
breath_first_traversal: O(n)
- return values from the starting node using BFT
depth_first_traversal: O(log(n))
- return values from the starting node using DFT
An queue where data is sorted by the priority level which it was passed in with, the one with highest priority and earliest entered is removed first. (FIFO with priority)
Insert: O(1)
- Insert the value into the priority queue with the priority level passed in.
Pop: O(n log(n))
- Pop off a value from the highest priority bin, the one that entered that bin firsted.
Peek: O(n log(n))
- Peek at the value that is about to be popped.
A binary tree search non self balacing data structure
Insert: O(log(n)
- Insert the value into the binary search tree.
Search: O(log(n))
- Search for a node containing the value being search.
Size: O(1)
- Return the current size of the tree.
Depth: O(n)
- Return the current depth (deepst) of the tree structure. (0 for no root or root only tree)
Contains: O(n)
- Return boolean value for wehther the value exists in the tree.
Balance: O(n)
- Return the current balance state of the tree, negative if tree is higher on the left and positive otherwise. Balanced tree will have a value of zero.
In Order Traversal: O(n)
- Return a generator object that goes through values in the tree via in order traversal
Post Order Traversal: O(n)
- Return a generator object that goes through values in the tree via post order traversal
Pre Order Traversal: O(n)
- Return a generator object that goes through values in the tree via pre order traversal
Delete: O(log(n))
- Delete the node with value being passed in
A Hash table that acts like python dictionary, insert keys via hashed locations.
Set: O(1)
- Insert a key, value pair into the current hash table
Get: O(n)
- Extract the value corresponding to the key given
A prefix tree that allows insertion and deletion of worfds
Insert: O(1)
- Insert a word or string into the prefix tree
Contains: O(n)
- Return True if word/str passed in is in the tree, False otherwise
Remove: O(n)
- Remove an existing word/str from the tree
Size: O(1)
- Look up the current size(num of words) in the tree
Traversal: O(n)
- Return a generator object generate through words in the trie one at a time
- Best Case: O(n)
- Wrose Case: O(n^2) A sorting algorithm taking a list or tuple of numbers and sort them according to respective numerical values.
- Best Case: O(n)
- Wrose Case: O(n^2) A sorting algorithm taking a list or tuple of numbers and sort them according to respective numerical values.
- Best Case: O(nlogn)
- Wrose Case: O(nlogn) A sorting algorithm taking a list or tuple of numbers and sort them according to respective numerical values.
- Best Case: O(nlogn)
- Wrose Case: O(n^2) A sorting algorithm taking a list or tuple of numbers and sort them according to respective numerical values.
- Best Case: O(nk)
- Wrose Case: O(nk) A sorting algorithm taking a list or tuple of numbers and sort them according to respective numerical values.