Web Server Container with Amazon Linux & Nginx & PHP
This is container running Nginx 1.20 with PHP 8.0 on Amazon Linux.
This is prepared as development projects.
This environment downloads prebuilt image from Docker Hub.
Dockerfile is defined in spycetek/aep repository.
Create .env file by copying .env.dest file.
variable to the local path you want to mount to container's document root of the web server.
In the example below, you should put directories of PHP projects under docker-www directory.
You can also change CONTAINER_NAME
if you wish.
Controlling Web Server Container
Create docker network
If you have not created a docker network with the name specified in .env file,
create it with the command below. Example uses local-net
as its name.
If you already have it, skip to "Create & Start Container" section.
docker network create --driver bridge local-net
To see if it is created successfully, execute below.
docker network ls
If you want to remove the network, this is the command to do it.
docker network rm <network_name>
Create and/or Start Container
Note: If it is the first time to use the latest container image, it will download an image of approximately 1GB. Do it under preferably fast and steady internet connection.
start.sh script creates the container if not exists yet,
or starts container if there is one stopped.
If it is running already, it dose nothing.
Stop Container
stop.sh script stops the container, but not deletes it.
Delete Container
delete.sh delete the container. Data in the container will be lost.
Login to the Container
login.sh script lets you login to the container as nginx
Check Web Server
In web browser on your local machine, open http://localhost:50080/
If the container is properly running, you should see the welcome page of Nginx.