
Linux commands translator to use in any terminal app in Windows, and PHP and JS command shortcuts

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Linux commands translator to use in any terminal app in Windows, and PHP and JS command shortcuts

how to use

  • download and install installer.exe from Releases
  • add installation path to Windows environment path

supported commands

  • c (clear alias)
  • cat
  • clear
  • grep [-i]
  • htop (open task manager)
  • ls [-la]
  • man
  • pwd
  • top (open task manager)
  • vim (open notepad to edit)
  • cp
  • diff
  • kill
  • ln {-s}
  • mv
  • nohup
  • ps
  • rm [-r]
  • traceroute

supported shortcuts

  • cc (composer create-project)
  • cdm (composer dump-autoload -o)
  • ci (composer install)
  • cr (composer require)
  • cu (composer update)
  • ga (git add .)
  • gb (git branch)
  • gch (git checkout)
  • gcl (git clone)
  • gcm (git commit -m)
  • gd (git diff)
  • gfp (git fetch -p)
  • gl (git log --oneline {-n=1})
  • gm (git merge)
  • gp (git push)
  • gpl (git pull)
  • grh (git reset --hard HEAD)
  • grh1 (git reset --hard HEAD~1)
  • gs (git status)
  • gsh (git show)
  • gsp (git stash pop)
  • gst (git stash)
  • gsw (git switch)
  • ni (npm install)
  • nr (npm run)
  • nrb (npm run build)
  • nrd (npm run dev)
  • nrs (npm run serve)
  • pa (php artisan)
  • pam (php artisan migrate)
  • pamr (php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1)
  • pas (php artisan serve)
  • pat (php artisan tinker)