
Example applications built with the BlackBerry Spark Communications Platform for JavaScript. For Android and iOS examples see: https://github.com/blackberry/bb-spark-android-samples and https://github.com/blackberry/bb-spark-ios-samples.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BlackBerry Secure Spark

BlackBerry Secure Spark

BlackBerry Secure Spark is an IP-based cloud communications platform that lets you easily create powerful new experiences between your users, machines and IoT devices. Its enterprise-grade communication and data sharing functionality can be integrated directly into your Android, iOS and web apps. With end-to-end encryption, digitally signed messages, and guaranteed data delivery, BlackBerry Secure Spark is a secure CPaaS (communications platform as a service) solution that can enable you to build powerful connections around the world, while keeping everything safe and secure in a “private garden” communication system.

BlackBerry Secure Spark Examples for JavaScript

This repository contains code for JavaScript example applications that you can use to help build your messaging solution with BlackBerry Secure Spark.

Example Application Description
QuickStart Build a basic app to initialize and authenticate with Spark
SimpleChat Build a basic chat app with Spark
ClickToChat Integrate chat into your website with Spark
ClickToCall Integrate voice calling into your website with Spark
BBM Bot Build a bot running in Node.js with Spark which can send messages to, and receive messages from, other Spark clients
ThreadedChat Build an app with Spark that demonstrates how a user can post comments on a chat to build a threaded conversation
KeyProviderServer Build a Node.js server with Spark that demonstrates how your app can enforce access control to a cloud storage solution
Data Transfer Build an app to send files over a secure peer-to-peer connection with Spark
Rasberry Pi IoT Sample Build an app with Spark that securely communicates with an IoT device (LED controlled by a Rapberry Pi)

For more details on all the Spark examples see the online Developer Guide.

Getting Started

These samples require the Spark SDK which you can find along with related resources at the location below.


These examples are released as Open Source and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.