The Hunter

Survival game for andoid phones.

Game Overview


You play as an archer who is stuck on a castle.
Birds will fly from the left and right side and will try to crossover to the other side. Your Job is to kill them before they do so.
A white bird appear sometimes, killing it will grant you one more life.

Game Logo


Main Screen

This is the main screen of the game and the first screen the player will see when he opens the game. main

Settings Screen

This screen is used to control general game volume and set SFX sounds to on/off. settings

Help Screen

This screen will explain to the user how to play the game and display birds information.


About Screen

This screen will contain the names of the game developers, the course lecturer, the course tutor and the college name.
This screen also display the game current version.


Result Screen

This screen will show the final score and survived time of the current finished game.
If the score is higher then the previous highest score, the highest score in the game will be updated.
If the score is lower then the previous highest score, the previous highest score will be displayed. result

Ingame screen - Running State

A screenshot from a running game


Ingame screen - Paused State

A screenshot from a paused game


Course Information

Course Name: Introduction to Mobile Computing

Head Lecturer & Tutor

  • Dr. Amnon Dekel
  • Mr. Amir Uval
