Install Ubuntu On Windows Using WSL
- Seach Windows PowerShell in Windows search bar, then select Run as administrator
- To install WSL in the command prompt, run:
- After WSL has been installed, restart the laptop
- Go to Microsoft Store > Search Ubuntu > Download Ubuntu
- After Ubuntu has been installed, open Ubuntu
- To install latest updates, run:
Setup Local Docker Hadoop Cluster
Prerequisites: Docker and Docker Compose
- In the command prompt, change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be
- To clone the repository, run:
git clone
- Change the directory to where docker-compose.yml is at. In this case, type 'cd docker-hadoop'
- To start the docker containers, run:
- To confirm the availability of containers, run:
Running Python MapReduce function
- To access the container of Hadoop cluster's namenode, run:
docker exec -it namenode bash
- To create folder structure in HDFS to allocate files, run:
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root
- Exit the container. Then, to move the input file, and to namenode, run:
docker cp input namenode:/tmp
docker cp namenode:/tmp
docker cp namenode:/tmp
- Get in namenode container again. To create the input folder, run:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/root/input
- Change directory to /tmp
- To move the input files to the input folder, run:
hdfs dfs -put input/* /user/root/input
- Find the path to the JAR file. To locate the hadoop string library JAR file, run:
find / -name 'hadoop-streaming*.jar'
- To run the MapReduce program, run:
hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-3.2.1/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-3.2.1.jar -files -mapper -file -reducer -input /user/root/input/* -output /user/root/output
Python Configuration In Container
This must be done to run the MapReduce Python program
- To install python in each container, run:
docker exec -it namenode bash -c "apt update && apt install python -y"
docker exec -it datanode bash -c "apt update && apt install python -y"
docker exec -it resourcemanager bash -c "apt update && apt install python -y"
docker exec -it nodemanager bash -c "apt update && apt install python -y"