
TensorFlow 版本:


在手部关键点检测任务中,使用论文 Attention! A Lightweight 2D Hand Pose Estimation Approach 中提出的Attention Augmented Inverted Bottleneck Block等结构。


  • Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
  • Python 3.9.1
  • Cuda 10.1


  1. corrected the number of parameters
  2. Download the pre-processed dataset according to:
    mv path/to/CMUhand.tar ./
    tar -xvf CMUhand.tar


[1] Santavas N, Kansizoglou I, Bampis L, et al. Attention! a lightweight 2d hand pose estimation approach[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020. [[code]][]

[2] Chen Y, Ma H, Kong D, et al. Nonparametric structure regularization machine for 2D hand pose estimation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. 2020: 381-390. [code][] (This project is manually forked from this project. )

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