
API server and job scheduler for stock options data

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a API service that retrieves options data for a ticker and an expiration date.
There are 2 parts to the project:

  • Scheduler:
    • src/job/options/scraper.py: Options data for stocks
    • src/job/stocks/scraper.py: Stock price
    • TODO: Most active options
    • TODO: Changes in options open interest
  • API server: Serves options prices(WIP)
    • src/server/main.py

Set up

  • Install python 3
  • Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies: pip -r install requirements.txt
  • Set PYTHONPATH: export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  • Start server: uvicorn --reload --app-dir src main:app
    • Server runs at: localhost:8000
    • API documentation runs at: localhost:8000/docs, localhost:8000/redoc.

Tech stack

  • Language: Python
  • Framework: FastAPI
  • Database: TimescaleDB
  • ORM: Piccolo


2 kinds of data:

  • Aggregated data for a stock ticker(volume(total, put, call), IV, IV rank, Iv %, underlying IV 1 year high)
  • Individual options data(expiration date, strike price, option type) for a stock ticker such as greeks, volatility, average volatility, volume, open interest

View options data for a ticker for an expiration date, strike price, option type, for each day(change - line graph) and total(sum - bar graph).

  • volume/open interest/IV rank/IV % of option type by expiration date and strike price
  • Highest spike in volume/open interest/IV rank/IV % by expiration date and strike price

Other metrics: % change


  • View how different dimensions change over time for an expiration date, strike price(+- 20 from current price)
    • High priority: Open interest, volume, IV, last, change
  • Aggregate statistics for an expiration date
    • Open interest by strike price
    • Volume by strike price


  • View how different dimensions change over time
    • bid/ask, size
    • volume
    • OHLC

Data model

Stock ticker table


  • id(PK) - big serial
  • symbol(PK) - varchar
  • name - varchar

Stock ticker price table

  • id(PK) - big serial
  • symbol(FK stock ticker)
  • date - date
  • open_price - decimal
  • high_price - decimal
  • low_price - decimal
  • close_price - decimal
  • volume - integer

Options price table

Store snapshot of options price for a stock ticker, expiration date, strike price, option type for every trade day

  • id(PK) - big serial
  • symbol - varchar
  • base_symbol(FK stock ticker)
  • trade_time - timestamp
  • option_type - varchar
  • strike_price - decimal
  • open_price - decimal
  • high_price - decimal
  • low_price - decimal
  • last_price - decimal
  • moneyness - decimal
  • bid_price - decimal
  • midpoint - decimal
  • ask_price - decimal
  • volume - integer
  • open_interest - integer
  • volatility - decimal
  • expiration_date - date
  • expiration_type - varchar
  • average_volatility - decimal
  • delta - decimal
  • theta - decimal
  • gamma - decimal
  • vega - decimal
  • rho - decimal

Most active options table

Store ticker that have the most options activity(open interest, volume, IV)

  • id(PK) - big serial
  • symbol - varchar
  • last_price - decimal
  • price_change - decimal
  • percent_change - decimal
  • options_total_volume - integer
  • options_put_volume_percent - decimal
  • options_call_volume_percent - decimal
  • options_weighted_implied_volatility - decimal
  • options_implied_volatility_rank_1y - decimal
  • options_implied_volatility_percentile_1y - decimal
  • underlying_implied_volatility_high_1y - decimal
  • trade_time - timestamp

Options open interest change table

Store options with the largest positive and negative open interest change

  • id(PK) - big serial
  • symbol - varchar
  • base_symbol - varchar
  • last_price - decimal
  • option_type - varchar
  • strike_price - decimal
  • expiration_date - date
  • days_to_expiration - integer
  • bid_price - decimal
  • midpoint - decimal
  • ask_price - decimal
  • last_price - decimal
  • volume - integer
  • open_interest - integer
  • open_interest_change - integer
  • volatility - decimal
  • trade_time - timestamp


  • background job to remove option_price that have expired
  • job: largest change in open interest, most active options
  • Use poetry for dependency management
  • Reporting: number of stock ticker in option_price table, number of rows for each stock ticker
  • Confirm whether options data is indeed a daily snapshot that includes all past trade days
  • Encode response data
  • Test
  • Get expirations date of a stock