
Automate provision of cloud infrastructure and application deployment.

Primary LanguageShell

Start workflow Stop workflow

This project is the infrastructure as code management for Market data notification using AWS.


  • images/: Packer files for building AMI
    • image.pkr.hcl: Main packer script
    • scripts/: Scripts to be run when provisioning AMI
  • instances/: Terraform files to provision EC2 in VPC
    • main.tf: Main terraform script
    • ansible/: Ansible scripts to run post-provisioning tasks such as mounting EBS volume, set up file system, copy postgres data, setup SSL for nginx
    • scripts/: Scripts to automate(everything after step 2 of the workflow) start and stop of EC2, DNS, and deployment of Market data notification. Calls ansible scripts


1. Provision EC2 AMI using packer

Provisions a EBS-backed EC2 AMI, and install the necessary softwares for Market data notification:

  • redis
  • docker
  • nginx

cd into images/
Define variables that are declared in image.pkr.hcl in a new file variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl
Build image: packer build -machine-readable -var-file variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl image.pkr.hcl | tee build.log

2. Provision EC2 using terraform

cd into instances/
Copy the AMI ID from packer build, update it in variables.tf
Provision infra: terraform apply

Everything from here onwards is handled in instances/scripts/start.sh

3. Run ansible script

Run post-provisioning configurations such as setting up DNS, configuring nginx SSL

4. Deploy application

Rerun the latest deploy job in github action

